
Tourism Consumer Behavior And Tourism

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In the tourism sector, the behaviour of the consumer or the tourist is changing day by day. As they have becomes more trendy product oriented thus, they are trying to achieve those in their destination. At the same time, they are trying to get those things in cheaper value. This is going to be a serious issue as most of the organizations is not yet prepared with the trendy products. However, it will be observed in the Windsor castle that there are all facilities available for the tourist and the internal section is well decorated. In spite of the facilities will be observed that price of the commodities is a serious barrier in the consumer service process. In this report, it will be mentioned that there should have a proper communication and awareness strategy through which the organization can be able to attract the consumers towards their products. Thus, the marketing department will also be increased and the behaviour of the consumers will be changed. Table of Contents
Introduction 4
Situational Audit 4
Figure 1: Situational Audit 8
Marketing Objective [SMART] 8
Communications Campaign 10
Reference list 13
Appendices: 15 Introduction
In the tourism sector, the behaviour of the consumer or the tourist is changing day by day. They are attracting towards the trendy products and at the same time, they are trying to get those things in cheaper value. In this report, the process of the organization to

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