
Training And Work & Learning Policies And Practices

Decent Essays

Skills Training and Work & Learning Policies and Practices: How They Limit Access to Employment for Women and Other Equity Seeking Groups There has been a recent growth in promotion for skills training for woman and other monitories, which seems to be contradictory when considering the significant decline of government sponsored training programs for women since the 1990’s. (Spencer B., Kelly J., 2013) Further barriers in work and learning are created by the process of exclusionary practices that successively eliminate women, people of colour, and other disadvantaged groups as candidates for higher positions. (Harlan, S., Berheide, C., 1994) Policies are often developed on a “Just in time” basis to meet labour demands, which …show more content…

(Pg. 162) There is a lack of support for individuals in these training programs to help address the participants individual needs including, income support, childcare services, language instruction, and access to counselling. This leaves many women and minorities who need training, unable to find suitable training programs to be able to participate. (Stephen, J., 2017) Furthermore, most skills training and development programs tend to be government funded which leads to programs being developed to accommodate the current labour market demands. Policies are typically developed “just in time” to meet the new growing demands. This unfortunately does not tend to create quality programs. Additionally government funded programs are subject to annual review, which means the program / policy could be discontinued at any time. (Not a continuing program) An example of this can be seen in the elimination of the designated group policy (DGP) back in the 1990’s. The policy was originally put in place to support the training of women, aboriginals, ethnic minorities and persons with disabilities but was quickly eliminated despite the recent growth in promotion for skills training programs. The employment insurance act creates additional obstacles for these individuals due to the narrowing of EI eligibility conditions which increased its requirements to log more weeks of work to be eligible to receive the benefit. Many women and other

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