
Training Programs : Effective Training Program

Decent Essays

Effective Training Programs Training is defined by Webster 's Dictionary as, "a process by which someone is taught the skills that are needed for an art, profession, or job." ( In a professional sense, training refers to a planned effort by a company to facilitate learning of a job-related competencies, knowledge, skills and behaviors by employees. According to ETT Training works, there are several reasons a company has a training program for their employees. To Increase productivity, reduce employee turnover, decrease need for supervision, increase ability to employ new technologies, increase safety to decrease work place safety and illness, maintain employee credentials and certifications, to help employees meet new …show more content…

Informal training refers to learning that is learner initiated and involves action and doing and is motivated by the employee who is seeking the training. For this term paper, we will focus on the formal training process. I will use the example of on boarding a new online HR system which was developed in-house. Within this system employees can access their paychecks, request time off for vacation or sick leave and view their 401K accounts. The first step to devising an effective training program is to perform a training needs assessment. "A needs assessment is a systematic process for determining and addressing needs, or "gaps" between current conditions and desired conditions or "wants". The discrepancy between the current condition and wanted condition must be measured to appropriately identify the need." (Messmer) This is normally a four step process, identify a clear business goal, determine the tasks the workers need to perform so the company can reach that goal, determine the training activities, determine the learning characteristics. When starting to work on a training program you should ask several questions. Do we need really need a training program or would a well written communication suffice? If training is needs it, who needs it? What do we want the employees to learn? Business goals typically include increasing revenue and efficiency

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