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Home /My courses /Current Term (Term 2, 2016-2017) /UNIV 1001B - AY2017-T2 /17 November - 23 November /Written Assignment Unit 2 /Assessing submission
Written Assignment Unit 2
Assessed submission
Companions in Artificial Intelligence submitted on Saturday, 19 November 2016, 6:37 PMmodified on Monday, 21 November 2016, 6:39 PM
Companions in Artificial Intelligence Ruben Damian Corbo
University of the People
Artificial Intelligence has always been a very interesting subject to me from the time I watched any film from the Terminator series (1984-2015) with the evil A.I. known as Skynet. Not all AI is bad as we know from Steven Spielberg 's “A.I.” (2001) and today Artificial Intelligence is far from fiction. I’ve always wondered how close could we get to a world where Artificial Intelligence could become a companion, and in my research I have found that programmers and inventors are already working on a companion to ease the sense of loneliness we all feel from time to time.
There could be a lot of reasons why someone would want some form of companionship when real life presence is not readily available. Katie Collins (2013) quotes, “Like any proud parent whose kids leave home, Hayashi had a void to fill. He’s doing that by creating a robot
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At work, people are claiming to be too busy on their devices to be able to have conversations. In fact, they do not want to have the face to face interaction, but would “rather just do things on [their] blackberry” (136). Moreover, a “sixteen-year-old boy who relies on texting for almost everything says wistfully, ‘Someday, someday, but certainly not now, I’d like to learn how to have a conversation’” (136). The reliance on technology has increased significantly and the necessity for conversation has pivoted. A teenage boy confesses that he feels more comfortable talking to an “artificial intelligence program” (138) about dating instead of his own father. Similarly, many people want “Siri, the digital assistant on Apple’s iPhone, [to become] more advanced, [because] ‘she’ will be more and more like a best friend” (138). Robots are being given more credit for comforting humans than humans themselves. Not only are the younger generations thinking this, but also the elders. When Turkle brought a baby seal robot to a nursing home, an elder woman began to speak to it and feel comforted by it. It is a tragedy that humans are feeling a deeper connection with robots than other humans. Humans have the experiences and the feelings that the robots are not capable of having. Hence, there is confusion about the difference between conversation and
Is anything in life really free? If college is free, what is the point of trying to work hard and to try to go above beyond? “Free tuition colleges could make college seem less important” (Lobosco). It would make it seem less important because if a student fail one year the student will not have to pay for the next year or the year after that. The students could just keep failing. The reasons behind why college tuition should not be free is because of how taxes would be raised, how it would still not be completely free, and how scholarships can help make it free.
Should college be free? A current universal problem poses this question. In today’s world, full of public education standards that hold students maybe too high and in a generation bogged down by student debt, this issue qualifies as a problem more than many are maybe even willing to admit. While the prospect of free college proposes excellent ideals such as a stronger and smarter generation, no student loan problems, and a higher educated society, the truth may actually lie in the reality that making college free would do more hindrance than good and is not the answer to these problems. Free college would increase economic problems, according to Andrew P. Kelly, who says it would only shifts the cost to someone else. As well, it would also hinder our education system. Michael J. Petrilli writes that making college free would “probably shift billions of dollars a year from programs that help talented poor kids access higher education and improve our schools”. Although the concept of free higher education is becoming appealing to the general population, it ultimately would create more problems than it solved and do virtually nothing of huge significance to increase the level of intelligence in modern society.
Community college should be free for all students who want to attend school. There should be a set of rules applied to those that would take advantage of this privilege. In the United States, there are not very many programs that offer the opportunity for students to attend free colleges like other countries have. Some examples of the countries are Norway, Finland, Sweden, Germany and France. The U.S. does have some programs that offer free tuition. For example Tennessee offers free tuition to students. The Tennessee Promise is a scholarship program that pays for your community college so you can go there tuition free. Another program is the Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP) in New York at the City University of New York. Community colleges should be free because it would not only attract more students, but would help students to focus more on school rather than thinking about how they are going to pay for their education. However, we need guidelines for applicants to attend such as maintaining a high GPA, giving back through community services hours, and other rules and guidelines to attract students that would continue to excel in their education and not waste the opportunity given to them to work towards a good career and give back.
John Pokinghorne said "I can perceive another person as an aggregation of atoms, an open biochemical system in interaction with the environment, a specimen of homo sapiens, an object of beauty, someone who needs deserve my respect and compassion, a brother for whom Christ died. Myers believes Christians must appreciate the essential role of science in nuturing curiosity and humility. This will put a wrongheaded notion about existence to an empirical test. The levels-of-explanation view believes humans are best understood in terms of hierarchy of levels or disciplines of relative complexity that should not be confused. One's faith should not affect the other levels or
Is it possible to get through college without paying a dime? The answer can be easily answered, yes. One has many options and opportunities that they should take advantage of and be able to say they never paid anything towards their educations. As individuals we all need to go to college to earn a degree and sustain living, but many as one may know, that it always leads to over the limit debt that can often times change minds or cause stress to something so simple. Some find a way to avoid this debt usually by visiting a scholarship fair, working and saving up, or taking community colleges into mind that is more pocket friendly than a private or state college.
The price of college is a big factor when looking at colleges. Two main things students look for in a college is the education and the price. All schools differ in the pricing of their content. That includes books, dorm, facilities, price per semester, and much more. Community colleges eliminate a big chunk of the typical college expenses.
The words “free college tuition” spark interest in any college student with accumulating debt. In fact, this topic is so incredibly supported that Bernie Sanders implemented it as a core interest in his 2016 campaign. Once Hillary Clinton became the Democratic nominee, she decided to take it on herself with an extensive plan that guaranteed students free tuition. Unsurprisingly, free tuition resonates extremely well within the student demographic. To forty million Americans, free tuition eliminates the largest problem for students: debt (Hess, 2017). However, free college tuition generates the inverse of what these low-income and middle-income students believe. In fact, free college cripples them from multiple perspectives; students will end up spending more financially, will be less likely to graduate with a degree, and will be subjected to more inequality and less exposure.
Independent.Leadership.Equality. All of these are three characteristics as to what free university education can provide to citizens.Higher education should be free of charge for the citizens of the United States.In the US the average cost for colleges per year is $8,893. Many middle class and under class people cannot afford such costs. It is true that the government will give you grants but most of the time students never get funding from them (Emmons 3). Most people of today can hardly afford a car let alone the fees and tuition of college. Also, it could provide equality to all people. Allowing everyone an equal opportunity to go to college and make something of themselves. It provides a way for poorer families to break free from
Over the past few years there has been a significant increase in the number of students enrolled in online graduate programs. Before online graduate programs existed, an undergraduate student could only receive a graduate degree if they physically attended a university. However, with the improvements in technology, students can now receive a graduate degree from their home by simply attending lectures online, and submitting their work through email to the professor. Although there are conflicting ideas about whether or not a student can retain the same amount of information from an online program as opposed to attending a graduate school, research shows that online graduate programs are equally as effective as
Attending college is different from high school in many ways. In high school, students usually receive their schedule from their counselor with their classes and teachers already selected. In college, students have the opportunity to meet with advisors but they have to choose their own classes and professor they will be taking for the semester. Having to choose what classes and professor to take for the semester can sometimes be stressful. To help relieve stress on students, there are websites that are created where students can view reviews left on different professors from their peers. Professor rating websites are important for students because it helps them choose a great professor that will help them receive the knowledge the need to