
Two Cheers For Sweatshops Summary

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In our textbook, Principles of Macroeconomics, in chapter 20 we learned about international trade. We learned the difference between absolute advantage and comparative advantage. We learned that opportunity cost is based on comparative advantage. we read about the difference of gains from trade to specialization trade. In chapter 21 we where introduced to globalization and protectionism. We read that protectionism is, "When a government legislates polices to reduce or block international trade." The textbook also defined tariffs, import quotas, nontariff barriers and World Trade Organization (WTO). We learned the difference between demand cure and supply curve. In the article."Two Cheers for Sweatshops", written by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sherly Wudunn, talks about how the workers are actually grateful for the jobs they have. The writers talked to a man named Mongkol Latlakorn. He explained to them that his daughter worked at a factory and was making good money. He said, "It's good money" and that "I hope she can keep that job." While we sit here in America thinking about how horrible these jobs are and the conditions they work in, these people are grateful and think that is a wonderful job. They seem content with their jobs. According to an article, "Governments Should Not Boycott Sweatshop …show more content…

"Many defenders, some of whom are Catholic, claim that by refusing to buy such merchandise, we harm the poor." They say due to boycotting, factories will go out of business and the people wont have jobs. In an article, "Governments should not boycott sweatshop production", written by Cheryl Grey, says, "Boycotting goods made by sweatshops labor only hurts the workers." "It's a painful fact that boycotting goods made by sweatshop labor only hurts the workers not the factory

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