
Type A Inventory Score

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I feel like my score is very accurate according to the Type A inventory scale assignment. The reason I believe my score are accurate is because they seem to stay same with the way of behaving and feeling in general in daily routine as we can see this in the statements scale, in my opinion, most of the statements seem not at all typical for me in everyday routine as the way I behave and feel every day. However, there are few statements in the scale that seems very typical to me. For example, I feel guilty when I relax or do nothing for several hours or days. This is the example, that I feel like is very typical for most of us because in this example, whenever I am free or have nothing to do, it makes me think about worthless things which makes …show more content…

Competitive is something that mainly deals with the achievement orientation. Type A individual tend to be very self- critical and they try to aim toward the goals without feeling a sense of enjoyment in their efforts or achievement. According to the assignment, I definitely agree with my score 13 because I’m a moderate competitive person who like to do things better and compare myself with others so that way I’m able to learn my mistakes and improve my performance by looking how others are doing. For example, when I was in high school, I always have compared myself with my older cousin who was very intelligent, very confident person in everything, one day, me and my cousin, we both had an exam in math, we both happened to get almost same score in our test, but I was 1 point away from my cousin because I made a mistake in my + and – sign. I was very sad, but I was like I should not give up, I said I should learn something from my cousin how to stay confident about …show more content…

A main reason my score 13 is moderately competitive because this example deals with people who learns from looking and comparing themselves to others as I’m one of those person too, who tries to benefit themselves by comparing with others. Another main dimension that I would focus on is work involvement, it is significant life imbalance. Here is an example of work involvement that shows why my score are higher, I started working at the library this summer, where I shelves books every day, at work I always try to do extra work because I know that I work to live, with my paycheck I am able to help my mother a lot as it gets hard for her to do everything alone and give us everything that we need. At work, I always try to shelf 4 rows everyday as it almost take 3 to 4 hours easily to shelves books on right place and then after I’m done with the shelving I build mail tub to send over to the science library which also take another hour to finish everything, therefore, I try to stay at work as long as I can. I always try to stay more focus on my work than other things. This example, I would rate 3 because there are a lot of people I know who also give extra time to their work than other

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