Extra Credit Essays
1. Domain bacteria- Single celled organisms, ( otherwise known as prokaryotic cells) that do not have a membrane protecting the cell. Bacteria can be found almost everywhere in the world.
Domain eukarya- All organisms grouped within the domain eukarya are also considered single celled. Eukaryotic cells are specifically grouped by the things each organism lives off, or by the things they eat individually.
Domain archaea- Along with bacteria the domain archaea is a prokaryote cell meaning it consists of one single cell. However archaeal organisms can be found in areas where the earth 's most intense natural resources are present. Areas including Yellowstone National park where there are many geysers along with places including Hawaii.
2. Kingdom Protists- these organisms solely do not depend on themselves to create food but on other living things.
Kingdom plante- this kingdom is made up of plants. Plants survive solely on photosynthesis. This basic way of nutrition.
Kingdom fungi- unlike the kingdom plante the members of the kingdom fungi, survive and live off of what is found in the soil beneath us. Fungi are considered to be decomposes meaning they decompose dead organisms which therefore becomes the food for their cells.
Kingdom Animalia- Humans are considered to be classified under the kingdom Animalia. Humans and many other animals eat other living organisms unlike the kingdom fungi. We survive on eating other living things.
Since they do not contain a nucleus they would be in the prokaryotic domain. They would need to be from the kingdoms Bacteria Specifically Eubacteria. They use photosynthesis to produce their own food. This animal is most likely Prochlorococcus. This is the most abundant photosynthetic cell in the ocean. Another one is cyanobacteria or blue green algae, but they are prokaryotic unlike algae. They could be grouped by their shapes like cyanobacteria are spherical, rod, and spiral. They can also be grouped as photosynthetic since they have
Prokaryotic: (single cell)The plasma membrane encloses the cell, regulating the traffic of materials into and out of the cell, and separating its interior from the external environment.
There are three domains of organisms, which are Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Domain Bacteria and Domain Archaea prokaryotes, and Domain Eukarya inevitably includes eukaryotes. Prokaryotes are the most abundant and able to adapt to many different environments. They do not contain a nucleus, circular DNA,
Fungi are multi-celled organisms that form a third Kingdom of life, along with the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom.
Kingdom: Animalia, it's an organism who is multicellular meaning eukaryotic and can move anywhere by itself though its lifespan.
Bacteria is a single celled organism, bacteria have evolved to thrive in almost any environment and can be found in almost any substance/surface and also in the human body, only 1% of bacteria is actually harmful.
Ribosomes then started copy themselves into cell-like structure with a thin membrane and cytoplasm. Eventually, cells starting storing DNA. Lateral transfer diversified the cells genetic makeup. From this community of cells came the three domains, known as bacteria, eukaryotes, and archaea. Bacteria and archaea are together called
First things first, taxonomy is the identification, description and the naming or nomenclature of organisms. The two domains are Bacteria and Archaea. Archaea is most related animals and plants also metabolic pathways. Bacteria most related to human pathogens and soil or dirt. The Domains are put together by genetic characteristics. Where Archaea for the most part are primitive and are adapted for extreme habitats and modes for nutrition we can see some similarities, with bacteria that also can live in extreme environments like thermal vents. The two might be cut from the same cloth and both are needed for life on earth to happen the most looked at for us is bacterial because that is the most harmful to
8. Domain- A classification of life that includes Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. This is above Kingdom.
3. Identify the 3 domains of living things. Which domains include one-celled organisms with no nucleus?
Bacteria and Archaea are prokaryotic, which are mostly single-celled incomplex microorganisms. Both Bacteria and Archaea have a variety of prokaryotes classified in multiple kingdoms (Reece, et al., Campbell Biology, 2014). There are a number of scientists who believe that Archaea cells may be the precursor to Eukaryotic cells and that they have more in common with Eukaryotes than Prokaryotes (Madigan, Martinko, & Dunlap, 2009).
Primarily, the Archaea were once believed to be just another rare group of bacteria, because like bacteria, they are single-celled microscopic prokaryotic organisms with no membrane bound nucleus (http://www.fossilmuseum.net/Evolution/archaeaevolution.htm). Despite the similarities in the cell structure of Eubacteria and Achaea, molecular research by Dr Carl Woese and his co-workers indicated that they differ significantly on the molecular level (Bacteria in Biology, Biotechnology and medicine, Paul singleton). In this essay, am going to discuss the differences and similarities in the fundamental cellular feature of both organisms.
Prokaryote cells - bacteria and archeans. They are single celled organisms, where the DNA is not separate from the cytoplasm. These prokaryote cells formed the earliest and most primitive life on earth.
Prokaryotic Cells All living things are made of cells, and cells are the smallest units that can be alive. Life on Earth is classified into five kingdoms, and they each have their own characteristic kind of cell. However the biggest division is between the cells of the prokaryote kingdom (monera, the bacteria) and those of the other four kingdoms (animals, plants, fungi and protoctista), which are all eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells are smaller and simpler than eukaryotic cells, and do not have a nucleus. Prokaryotic means 'pre-nucleus' and eukaryotic means 'true nucleus'.
A single-celled eukaryote or protist can carry chlorophyll (it can be an autotrophic, photosynthetic, "alga"), it can eat other organisms (it can be an organotrophic, "protozoan" "animal"), or it may do both.