
Essay on Types Of Research

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Research is done everyday. Research is used in the many different situations managers encounter everyday. Research is part of the problem-solving manager do to make decisions. Research is defined as “the process of finding solutions to problem after thorough study and analysis of the situational factor” (Sekaran, p3, 2003). Managers use research for daily operational problem as well as bigger problems that can require hired research consultants. Managers who use research are able to communicate with the hired consultants because they understand the process of inquiry, investigation, examination, and explanation. Managers are also, capable of understanding the difference in good and bad studies, and can apply the research done to …show more content…

Applied research is “aimed at solving a currently experienced problem” (Sekaran, p10, 2003). This research can be as simple as finding solutions to daily operational problems.
One problem managers consistently want research on is the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. The research found on the relationship of customer satisfaction and loyalty spans over the past decade. Many researchers argue that there is no relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty while others find direct correlations between the two and a business’s profitability. In Roger Hadowell’s study, he defines loyalty as both behavioral and attitude while conducting his research on a banking organization. He states that behaviors including continuance, increased relationship, and recommendations are all behaviors of loyalty to an organization (Hadowell, 1996). His research illustrates the “relationship of profitability to customer related outcomes that managers can influence directly” (Hadowell, 1996). His findings support the hypothesis that customer satisfaction influences customer loyalty increasing profitability. Hadowell addresses two difficulties that he encountered during his research. First, work with the organization in order to develop the ideal measurement system used for the research. Secondly, focus on data collected over a period of time with strong organizations (Hadowell, 1996).
In the White Page Series, researcher Burke

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