
Unit 5 - 3mer - Supporting Good Practice in Managing Employment Relations

Better Essays

Unit 5 – Certificate of Human Resource Practice

1.1 - Describe the internal and external factors that impact on the employment relationship
There are many factors that can impact on the employment relationship, both internal and external.

External Factors
- The availability of alternative jobs is a external factor of the labour market and can impact the employment relationship due to staff being head hunted by other companies, they know that they can easily find a new job should they not be enjoying their current job role.
- The general economic climate is another external factor however it relates to the product market. This can affect the employment relationship as there will be a drop in demand of products should the …show more content…

They are entitled to core employment rights and protection such as receiving national minimum wage and unlawful deductions from their wages.

- Self employed - if you are not employed in a contract of employment with an employer but contracted to provide services other a period of time for a fee or be a business in your own right. Therefore a person will work for themselves rather than a employer. You do not have employment rights but have to pay your own income tax and national insurance contributions.

- Employee – this is the most common status and applies to the largest group of people within the workplace. You are defined as an employee if you are working under a contract of employment. Your employer is obliged to deduct income tax and national insurance contributions from your wage before paying you. You are entitled to all minimum statutory employment rights including statutory sick pay and statutory redundancy pay.

1.3 – Identify and analyse the reasons why it is important to determine an individual’s employment status
There are many reasons why it is important to determine an individual’s employment status, some of these are:

- It allows you to determine the level of your

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