Lesson # 5 Upper plus lower body program
Specific short term goals for the lesson plan: I will introduce students/ athletes to a program this is designed to target both their upper and lower body. This split routine will have students targeting their upper body and will help students / athletes have a better understanding of not only the difference in upper body and lower body training but will help them develop strength in both their upper and lower bodies.
Number of students: 16
Warm up 3-5 minutes: jog in place for two minutes, 20 pushups, 20 sits ups, and 20 jumping jacks.
Equipment: Barbell, bench press bar, and dumbbells.
Activities: Students/ athletes will engage in activities to build muscle strength in both their upper and lower
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Lesson #6 Lower body plus upper body program
Specific short term goals for the lesson plan: I will introduce students/ athletes to a program this is designed to target both their upper and lower body. This split routine will have students targeting their upper body will help students / athletes have a better understanding of not only the difference in upper body and lower body training but will help them develop strength in bother their upper and lower bodies.
Number of students: 16
Warm up 3-5 min: jog in place for two minutes, 20 pushups, 20 sits ups, and 20 jumping jacks.
Equipment: Barbells, dumbbells, and bench press bar.
Activity: Students/ athletes will engage in activities to build muscle strength in both their upper and lower bodies throughout the workout.
1-10 minutes- 3 sets of 8 front squats (using 60% of 1RM)
10-20 minutes- 2 sets of 6 bent over row using barbell. (Using 60% of
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Over a 4 week period with 2 workouts a week students/ athletes should have an increase in muscle strength. The program was effective due to the fact students/athletes 1RM percentage increased which shows the progression in their muscle strength increased overall. There was in increase in the 1RM in bench press, leg press, sit up test for strength, and pull ups for strength. I choose these specific exercises because I felt they were the main muscles that a wide range of football players use in different positions in the game of football. These specific groups where targeted for all positions and players from linebackers to the
I have organized the client’s training program with the major muscles first in the program after that I would repeat the muscles again. In addition, since the client had requested for 6 resistance training days I have strategized by splitting the major muscle groups into several days as seen in the client’s program. Furthermore, with having 6 days of resistance training it would be tough but with a mixture of upper and lower body days it would allow the client to recovery and build the muscles. Not only, he would be build muscles, he would improve in his speedball games.
Brace yourself between the backrests of the two sturdy table, bend your elbows, move your shoulders down, and lift your head. Keep abs tight, take a breath and pull your knees toward your chest. 3 sets of 15 reps is the frequency recommended in a day.
The mission of the Leatherneck Strength and Conditioning Staff is to provide each athlete with a year-round, athletic based strength & conditioning program. The primary goals of each program are to reduce the risk of injury and increase performance in the athletes' sport(s). Between the use of two facilities with over 12,000 pounds of free weights, dumbbells, and machines the athletes are challenged daily to improve upon and maximize their speed, strength, power, agility, conditioning, and flexibility. Utilizing the Olympic and power lifts, plyometrics, speed & agility drills, strongman/strongwoman training, nutritional
Facts: For the past two years, Minsu, a Korean American, has worked as a high school physical education teacher. He is also a body-builder and a part-time graduate student in educational technology at State University. In preparing for a master’s thesis he has decided to participate in Arnold’s World Body-building training program and analyzing advanced technology used to help students absorb physical education. Arnold’s training program has a regular faculty, curriculum, an enrolled body of students, and advanced technology in its gym equipment.
Developing exercise - Exercises are to be produced with a specific end goal to accomplish and keep up elevated amounts of capability and preparation in the seasons of
The warm up included doing dynamic and static stretches, a pulse raiser and a few drills.
•Concentration on the range of FUNdamental sports skills, such as throwing, catching, jumping and running
For the purposes of these studies and this paper, strength training will be defined as the use of progressive resistance methods such as body weight (i.e. pushups), free weights, isotonic and isokinetic machines utilized in an attempt to increase one’s ability to exert or resist force (Cahill, 1995). Prepubescence will be defined as a child, male or female, typically no older than
CrossFit is a physical fitness conditioning program that combines a number of activities, including Olympic weightlifting, power-lifting, calisthenics, gymnastics, sprints, plyometrics (jump training), and other exercises such as rope climbing (Stoddard 130). According to Stoddard, "In this workout system, the highlight of each class is termed as the workout of the day" (131). According to Sibley, the sport education model can be used with CrossFit content to develop "a fun fitness-based sport season" designed for middle and high school students. CrossFit training is delivered in six components such as role check. Based on his empirical observations and experience with CrossFit training, Sibley recommends conducting a fitness evaluation prior to the CrossFit training to determine baseline fitness levels.
The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 17(3), 503-509. Retrieved September 5, 2014, from http://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/Abstract/2003/08000/Concurrent_Strength_and_Endurance_Training__The.13.aspx
Short-term goal – client for 10 minutes will participate in wrist and hand exercises to increase strength, ROM, and endurance, which will improve
Principles of athletic training (8th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby Year Book. Arnheim, D., & Prentice, W.
Gymnasts can perform the stability ball pike, stability ball jackknife, slide plank, stability ball rollout, and front plank (Major, 1996). These exercises will help the gymnast be able to hold positions need for competition for a long duration of time. Gymnasts can also perform pushups, handstand holds, stand up on toe, stand toe raises, and bar dips to improve their muscular strength (Major, 1996). The exercises help improve individual muscles that will be used during the sport (Major, 1996). They also include movements that are used during the completion as well. The assistant exercises not only will help with movement, and strength, but will also help stabilize the joints (Major,
There are many variables to consider when setting up a sound training program for building strength and muscle. Variables include: adherence to the goal, overall volume, intensity, frequency, progression, exercise selection, tempo, and rest periods. After learning what those variables mean, the next question is what is most important and how can I interchange these variables to constantly improve while preventing injury. By learning how use periodization with the variables stated above, a person can optimize their training for their specific goals. This report will go into great detail about the hierarchy for these variables and how to interchange them for the longevity within someone’s lifting career.
By focusing on increasing lean muscle, the gymnast will also help improve their power, and muscular endurance. The entire macrocycle will be for an entire year. Within year-long macrocycle there specific mesocycles that complete the macrocycle. This macrocycle will consist of six mesocycles including preparatory, sport specific, competition, and postseason phases (Eubanks & Gonzalez, n.d). The mesocycles will then be divided into specific microcycles which will explain what the gymnast will do for the week. Typically female gymnasts are characterized as having highly complex coordination coupled with both isometric and explosive force (Sanchez et al., 2013). The overall goal for these athletes would be to increase muscular strength and muscular power to allow for maximum performance, and to gain more flexibility in order for the gymnast to perform each event with ease due to full range of motion (ROM). Flexibility drills will be done throughout the program to help benefit the gymnast. Gymnasts will improve agility, coordination, and balance, by practicing sport specific skills (Eubanks & Gonzalez, n.d). These sport specific skills will be covered primarily during the off-season. Strength and power will continue into the pre-season where the athlete’s basic strength will be increased as well (Eubanks & Gonzalez, n.d). Speed, agility, balance, and coordination will be maintained throughout the macrocycle in order for peak performance to be reached during the competition phase or in-season (Eubanks & Gonzalez, n.d). The program will first begin with a low intensity through the first three phases, then begin to spike at phase four, and it dramatically increase from phase four to phase six (Eubanks & Gonzalez, n.d). It will increase during this time period to ensure that gymnast reaches their training peak