
Upper-Body Lesson Plans

Decent Essays

Lesson # 5 Upper plus lower body program
Specific short term goals for the lesson plan: I will introduce students/ athletes to a program this is designed to target both their upper and lower body. This split routine will have students targeting their upper body and will help students / athletes have a better understanding of not only the difference in upper body and lower body training but will help them develop strength in both their upper and lower bodies.
Number of students: 16
Warm up 3-5 minutes: jog in place for two minutes, 20 pushups, 20 sits ups, and 20 jumping jacks.
Equipment: Barbell, bench press bar, and dumbbells.
Activities: Students/ athletes will engage in activities to build muscle strength in both their upper and lower …show more content…

Lesson #6 Lower body plus upper body program
Specific short term goals for the lesson plan: I will introduce students/ athletes to a program this is designed to target both their upper and lower body. This split routine will have students targeting their upper body will help students / athletes have a better understanding of not only the difference in upper body and lower body training but will help them develop strength in bother their upper and lower bodies.
Number of students: 16
Warm up 3-5 min: jog in place for two minutes, 20 pushups, 20 sits ups, and 20 jumping jacks.
Equipment: Barbells, dumbbells, and bench press bar.
Activity: Students/ athletes will engage in activities to build muscle strength in both their upper and lower bodies throughout the workout.
1-10 minutes- 3 sets of 8 front squats (using 60% of 1RM)
10-20 minutes- 2 sets of 6 bent over row using barbell. (Using 60% of …show more content…

Over a 4 week period with 2 workouts a week students/ athletes should have an increase in muscle strength. The program was effective due to the fact students/athletes 1RM percentage increased which shows the progression in their muscle strength increased overall. There was in increase in the 1RM in bench press, leg press, sit up test for strength, and pull ups for strength. I choose these specific exercises because I felt they were the main muscles that a wide range of football players use in different positions in the game of football. These specific groups where targeted for all positions and players from linebackers to the

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