
Urinary Tract Infection: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) commonly occur in the bladder (cystitis) or urethra (urethritis), but may also happen in the kidneys (acute pyelonephritis). UTIs occur more often in women than in men as women have a shorter distance from their urethra to anus, and also because their urethra is shorter than men’s giving the bacteria less of a distance to travel. Other risk factors may include sexual activity, especially if one has a new partner as they carry potentially new bacteria. Certain types of birth control, menopause, and those who use catheters are also at a greater risk of UTIs. Symptoms one may experience if they have a UTI are frequently urinating small amounts, urine that is cloudy and/or discolored (especially tinted pink or red …show more content…

They might have been angry, or confused as to where they are and who is helping them, and where their family is. Other symptoms that may occur in the elderly are hallucinations, falling, agitation and poor motor skills. Usually to diagnose one with a UTI a urine sample may be done to determine if there are white blood cells, red blood cells or bacteria in ones urine. A urine culture may also be done to allow the bacteria to grow and let the doctor know which bacteria is causing this infection so that they can prescribe a medicine that will work best. Antibiotics are typically prescribed to treat a UTI and are typically taken for 1 to 10 days depending on the severity of the infection and the health of the patient. Cranberry juice and pills are often recommended to prevent UTIs or help before one has obtained their antibiotics, but studies are inconclusive on whether or not this works. If cranberry juice is taken, it should contain very little sugar as bacteria feeds on sugar. To avoid a UTI, one should wipe from front to back to prevent the spread of bacteria from the anal region, use protection during sex and/or pee after intercourse to flush out the bacteria that has been

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