
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

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Urinary Tract Infection is an infection from microbes, which is an organism that is really small to be seen without a microscope. Urinary Tract Infection is also abbreviated as UTI. UTI is often caused by bacteria. It is most commonly infected by humans and commonly in the bladder and urthera, which is located in the lower tract and in the upper tract it’s uterus and kidneys. However the upper tract UTIs is more rare than lower tract UTIs because of the kidney. They’re also generally more severe. The symptoms of a UTI depends on where it is located. The lower UTI symptoms includes: burning urination, cloudy urination, bloody urine, pelvic pain in the woman, rectal pain in the men and many more. For the upper UTI it mainly affects the kidneys. …show more content…

They both have symptoms in the lower tract area. For men it includes an enlarged prostate gland, kidney stones, diabetes, bladder catheter insertion, and any health condition that affects the immune system. The UTI in men sometimes involves rectal pain. For women with a lower tract urinary infection they may encounter pelvic pain. Which the Infection of the bladder is mainly caused by cystitis which means inflammation of the bladder. Women usually gets infected by UTI more than men just because they have a shorter urethra, which allows the bacteria to have a quicker entrance to the bladder. The treatment for UTI depends on what kind of UTI the person has. That person should go see the doctor and go by the doctor’s choice. He or she determines the organism that is causing the infection. The doctor determines that by making that person take a test. From that test the results that comes up are used to confirm the diagnosis. Mainly the results from the test says that it is the cause of bacteria. The cause of by bacteria are mainly treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics is a drug used to treat the bacterial infections. Generally, the viruses or fungi are the causes. The viral UTIs are treated with medications called antivirals. Frequently, the antiviral cidofovir is the choice to treat viral UTIs. Fungal UTIs are treated with medications called antifungals. Whether the infection affects a man or a woman, the treatment is …show more content…

If it is involved in the lower tract UTI, it can usually be treated with oral antibiotics. An oral antibiotics is a substance, such as penicillin or erythromycin, produced by or derived from certain microorganisms, including fungi and bacteria, that can destroy or inhibit the growth of other microorganisms. If the bacterial UTI gets involved with the upper tract, it requires intravenous antibiotics, which intravenous means in the vein or as most people know it as IV. All of those antibiotics are put right into your veins that will help you get rid of

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