
Vaccinations And Its Effects On Children

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Vaccinations are a substance given to patients that provides acquired immunity to a specific disease. They contain either a live weakened part of the virus or an inactive form created from a dead version of the viruses, causing the body to produce antibodies that will attack the virus if the body later comes into contact with the disease. Thus, a person can reduce the severity of the disease or eliminate the contraction of the disease completely. However, vaccinations have become a controversial topic and parts of the population refuse vaccinations for various reasons. The result is a reduction in vaccinations, causing epidemics of deadly and high communicable diseases once gone due to vaccinations. Although some proven dangers to immunization exist, the benefits to the vast majority of people outweigh the rare risks.
One of the main reasons that people do not vaccinate their children is that many continue to believe that vaccinations cause autism. The myth started when a scientific paper published in 1998 contained falsified data that claimed vaccinations caused autism. This paper has been since debunked and retracted but the myths surrounding vaccinations have continued today. This misconception has been wrongly perpetuated by those outside the medical community, including celebrities, political figures, and community leaders, who are unaware of the current data on the subject. Over half of people who refuse vaccination believe that immunization causes autism. In

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