The vice that I have chosen to examine further and relate to my everyday life is that of vainglory. The broad definition of vainglory is “excessive and disordered desire for recognition and approval from others” (DeYoung 60). This is basically an action that strives to bring praise upon oneself, possible at the expense of another person’s well-being. While striving for glory is not always a sinful act, when the drive to receive glory no longer focuses on the acquisition of charity, but instead for personal gain, or becomes excessive in nature, you cross the line from being a glorious person to a vainglorious person. While spending my week focusing on the vice of vainglory, I identified two insights that explained why it is so prevalent in …show more content…
In contrast to the tree ways that vainglory can manifest itself, there are three ways that make vainglory acceptable, for an action that is vainglorious that does not fall under these three categories, is indeed a vice. Therefore, vainglory can be ordained in three ways: when desiring such glory is desiring to give glory to God, when the goal of obtaining glory is to help your neighbor, and when receiving praise is to help assure that you are on the right track to obtaining your highest level of goodness. In simpler terms, vainglory seeks to corrupt the good because it seeks to remove glory from the good, and place all that excessive glory on things that do not last, things that are not true, or things that take us off our own paths to greater goodness. It is also important to mention the daughter sins of vainglory, which someone people may be more familiar with. These daughter sins are composed of any action in which we try to appear superior to others either through means of our intellect, resisting advice, not submitting to authority, or simply through boasting. During my week focusing on the vice of vainglory, I discovered just how prevalent it is in our society. Not only is vainglory fueled by the media that consumes an ample amount of our daily lives, I also believe that it is fueled by the competitive nature that is academia. Competition is not necessarily
The sequence of temptation is the lust of the Flesh. The second is the lust of the eye’s, and the third is the pride of life.
Reflecting on this course over this semester, there have been many lessons learned that will be valuable, as we enter the business world. Our first lesson was to learn to work together, as a team, to prepare a short memo, long memo, letter, and email for use in the business world. This is a lesson that will experience many times as we do our daily work. Punctuation and grammar are so important to present to the client and other organizations that we are professionals. It could mean the loss of a sale or acquiring new business. It’s like dressing for work; looking professional or unprofessional.
All living things are given desires by nature. These desires exist as part of who we are. They define us in a way; they can aid us and they can also do us great harm. The cardinal sin of Pride, for instance, can be a good thing, to have pride in yourself and your abilities, and be able to brag about them may be what stands between you and another person applying for the same job. But
“Hello mother, father, this is your Louie talking. This will be the first time in two years that you’ve heard my voice. I am now interned at a Tokyo prisoner of war camp and I’m being treated as well as can be expected under wartime conditions.” As a viewer we can see the look of pure disgust and longing upon Louie’s face. It was evident that he wasn’t eager to read what was prepared for him as it depicted a false perception of what his wartime conditions were truly like. The fact that he had to make it seem like he was well when in fact he was anything but. I am now able to understand that what those in society often herd about their captured soldiers was quite often incorrect. The enemy wanted to portray an image that hid the true conditions and circumstances the American soldiers were subject to. I not only found this film inspiring as it showed the resilience American soldiers had whilst confined in the prisoner of war camps but also found it interesting as it showed the truths of war so vividly in way that could never be achieved through the use of written words. As a result of this film I am able to see how much we owe these men for our freedom, we were never truly able to appreciate the sacrifice made by those men and women until viewing this incredible film. They went through so much to ensure the freedom of many generations to come and if it wasn’t for these men who knows what our lives would be like today.
You and I live in a world were modernism is reaching new heights every day. One day that touchscreen phone is considered new, and then next week it’s old news. These two stories that I am going to compare are about the role of technology, science and how it affects me and you. Based on how it uses new technology and modern science A Sound of Thunder is a better sci-fiction story.
The Odyssey is an epic composed by Homer, an early Greek storyteller. This epic was the basis for Greek and Roman education. Epics are long poems marked by adventure. The main character in an epic is an epic hero.
1. The nation is at war, and your number in the recently reinstated military draft has just come up. The problem is that, after serious reflection, you have concluded that the war is unjust. What advice might Socrates give you? Would you agree? What might you decide to do? Read the Introduction, Chapter 2 Crito and the Conclusion Chapter 40 Phaedo by Plato.
Matt Lamkin’s “A Ban On Brain-Boosting Drugs is Not the Answer” first appeared in Chronicle of Higher Education in 2011. In this essay Lamkin aims to convince his reader not to deter improper conduct with threats, but to encourage students to engage in the practice of education. Lamkin tells us “If colleges believe that enhancing cognition with drugs deprives students of the true value of education, they must encourage students to adapt that value as their own” (642). Appeal to logic, consistency, and compare/contrast are techniques Lamkin skillfully uses to create a strong effective essay.
When we focus on our own needs, and we ignore the plight of the people around us; then we are living in a way that is contrary to the will of God. Dietrich Bonhoeffer referred to sin as selfishness, and Karl Barth said that the root of sin is pride.
In “Consumed: Identity and Anxiety in the Age of Plenty,” psychologist Dr. Geoffrey Miller describes that we have this weird mental illness called consumerism and we all are going collectively psychotic. Miller, along with others, pose that everyone’s goal in life is to fulfill prestige or in simple terms, high power of status. I concur with the psychologists along the lines prestige goes. However, I refuse to agree with the statement that refers to consumerism being a “mental illness”. Acknowledging that the world’s wonders are required to be paid to for, it almost becomes completely clear as to why each and every soul urges to strive for prestige. It is not that high power of status they are working towards, but the
All of us have formed habits in our daily life. Even though some of these habits only exist in our subconscious and we cannot actually make sure whether they are real or only the conjectures. But it is undoubted that all of our behaviors are influenced by our desires on specific objectives. In the book, the power of habit, Charles Duhigg explained the definition of a habit as an effort-saving instinct. “When a habit emerges, the brain stops fully participating in decision making” (20). To support his opinions on habits, he introduced the three-step model of a habit loop, the theory of golden rule of habit, and the role of a craving brain and belief in the process of a habit changing. Through learning
In 2008, a marketing and positioning strategy was needed for Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceutical’s (CSP) new weight loss drug called Metabical. Metabical was touted as being a revolutionary weight loss drug with fewer negative side effects than the usual medicinal weight loss remedies.
The doctor-patient relationship always has been and will remain an essential basis of care, in which high quality information is gathered and procedures are made as well as provided. This relationship is a critical foundation to medical ethics that all doctors should attempt to follow and live by. Patients must also have confidence in their physicians to trust the solutions and work around created to counter act certain illnesses and disease. Doctor-patient relationships can directly be observed in both the stories and poems of Dr. William Carlos Williams as well as in the clinical tales of Dr. Oliver Sacks. Both of these doctors have very similar and diverse relationships with multiple patients
- Envy - For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.