
Veterinary Education Research Paper

Decent Essays

I believe the cost of a veterinary education can be looked at from many different perspectives. It could be seen as a limitation to your future or a financial burden. However, I believe that obtaining a higher education is an investment towards my future and not just an educational debt. The cost of a veterinary education is just one more challenge to overcome in order to achieve my dream towards becoming a doctor of veterinary medicine.

My evaluation of the educational costs and starting salaries of a DVM education is that although it may seem too expensive, it is still achievable without remaining in debt for the rest of your career. With scholarships available, loan repayment, and loan forgiveness options, there is a multitude of ways in which a DVM degree is obtainable. It is up to the DVM student to take advantage of the financial opportunities to lessen the debt that is accruing. Knowing which field of study within veterinary medicine you want to go into allows you to recognize the overall starting salary and financial ability for future repayment. This allows a DVM student to be more prepared for future financial costs with the capacity to plan …show more content…

If a person is realistic with their starting salary and organizes long term goals, the future of the veterinary profession will continue to grow. I believe more veterinarians will open practices with co-ownerships, or there will be a rise in veterinarians who specialize because the salaries may be more sustainable. Also veterinarians may practice over a variety of fields instead of limiting themselves to just one. Although this career path is about passion, DVM students may also be more prone to choosing a field of veterinary medicine based on salary in order to maintain their future as a

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