
Victoria's Secret Research Papers

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Middle States Paper: Pharaoh Project Victoria’s Secret is an American manufacturer, designer, and marketer of beauty products and womenswear. Roy Raymond founded this name brand company on June 12, 1977 in San Francisco. He decided to name his company after the Victorian era. Victoria’s Secret is entirely owned by L Brands, which is an overtly traded company. It is the leading American seller of womenswear. Victoria’s Secret products are made in Jordan. Depending on what product you are buying from this company, the prices will vary. For example, a bra from Victoria’s Secret will usually cost from around $40 to $65. This company can be costly depending on what you are buying. Undergarments are very expensive from this seller. Adding to …show more content…

The workers’ salaries amount to less than 3/10ths of one percent of the $14 retail price of the Victoria’s Secret bikini. The owner of the workshop threatened to have all the laborers forcibly deported back to Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, where the workers were mostly from. The owner said water and food would be taken away and following that, the laborers would be forcibly removed from the dorms” (“Victoria’s Secret Slave Labor”). Most of the workers that are put under these harsh conditions are not quite young. The factory consists of older people. Due to these people being older, they cannot work as fast and be as adept. It is very inconsiderate for the managers to expect older people working at such fast rates and trying to make them do more than an average worker would normally do. Especially in the terrible conditions that they are working in, they should be more considerate on the …show more content…

In reading and going over the Labor Laws of Jordan it is stated that the legal working time is 48 hours and every worker is entitled to a paid sick leave. It is also stated that “An employer who has paid a worker less than the minimum rate of remuneration shall be punishable by a fine of no less than twenty five and no more than one hundred Dinars in respect of each offense, and shall also be ordered to pay the worker the difference. The penalty shall be doubled every time the offense is repeated” (“National Labour Law Profile: Jordan”). These factories could be in very big trouble if officials catch them. The Catholic Church says that workers should be paid a living and fair wage. They also say that every worker must have one rest day. I found an interesting scripture quote in James 5:1-6, “those who become rich by abusing their workers have sinned against God.” This scripture reading goes hand in hand with the way the factories are ran in Jordan. Managers are working out their employees and gaining all the big bucks. These factories are sinning against God. Saint Joseph is the patron saint of labor

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