Date: September 23, 2015
To: Pat Caring, Chairperson
From: Zakaria Bakkal, Director of Communications
Subject: Video Conferencing: Stepping forward with technology
Our company is quickly expanding across Canada, which means travel expenses will continue to increase. The Management group continues to hold meetings in many different cities across Canada. I believe that it would be a major benefit for us to look at investing in video conferencing software. Conferencing systems continue to improve with prices decreasing as well as many different software options being available every day.
How Video Conferencing works:
Video conferencing is one of the quickest and easiest ways to hold meetings with colleagues anywhere in the world. All you need to allow the conferencing software to work is an Internet connection, a computer, a webcam, and a microphone (if not already within the webcam). During your video conference session you are able to send and receive data, share desktops, hold training sessions, and much more. Instead of having to travel 8 hours to see a colleague in London GB, you are now able to have that same meeting in the comfort of your office. By not having to pay for travel you are saving yourself time and your company money, which is easy and beneficial for all parties involved.
Top Video Conferencing brands:
Adobe Connect-
According to PC Magazine, Adobe Connect is one of the best on the market today. It has a low cost of $55 per month and only $45 per month
Mr. A and Mr. B can do a video conferencing effectively using the protocols SIP
Teleconferencing will be used to the maximum extent possible to communicate to stakeholders in out of town locations. This will help to reduce the amount of travel required and provide for an effective method of communication.
While choosing the wrong medium to convey a message can be detrimental to the receiver’s ability to understand the message, geographical distance can also cause the information to be gabled. Lag times in the initial communication and feedback from that communication can cause misunderstandings. If the information does not get fully conveyed or gets conveyed too late because of long distances, it becomes useless. The best way to avoid miscommunication due to geographical barriers is to use the best method of communication for distances. With modern technology, video conferences and other electronic tools can keep information from becoming delayed and distorted.
Video conferencing allows for companies to hold recruitment interviews with candidates from across the country or around the world.
The selection of a new or add-on program is contingent on budgetary requirements. How much money would have to be laid out for training of staff or does the knowledge already exist in the IT department. BAL is a small company with 400 employees. The budget that would be required to purchase a new software package could seriously outweigh the need.
Many of the most popular are used by business employers to talk to each other and to employees. Skype for Business helps connect employers and employees through video chat. This way if the employee needs a visual explanation or example of what is needed to complete, the employer can show them using this program. Google Drive is a popular program that can send files amongst each other using interactive documents. Google drive is much like doc sharing and the Cloud, they allow access to these files from any computer or phone that is logged into the same account. UberConference is another well-known tool companies use. This program records a meeting held by the employer and archives it for people who may have missed the actual, live meeting. A common issue found by telecommuters around the world is the difficulty to find an appropriate time suitable for two completely different time zones. Luckily, with help from programs like UberConference, archives do help but also add to the distance in personal participation normally felt in person during an in-room meeting.
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park were both established between the 1890s and 1940s. Both National Parks are located in the southern east of California. In Sequoia National Park, it covers over 400,000 acres making it at least one of the largest parks in America. Moreover, it is also famous for the giant trees it produces. For example, the Giant Forest, which is located within Sequoia park.
text messages or even r video calling for over the world conferences using skype. Technology makes it easier for HR to communicate with the workforce.
According to the reporter, Richard took their 2 boys last year around June. She has only seen them 2 times since then. Richard said he was going to Mississippi for a week but he didn't come back. They both have joint custody. The reporter doesn't want her children in the system but CPS will see everything she is talking about. There are a total of 6 people living in a 2 bedroom apartment. Richard sleeps on the couch. The boys sleep on pee pee and shitty pallets on the floor. The grandparents and Abiagail have their own separate rooms. Everyone (Robbie, Donna, & Richard) smokes cigarettes and weed. They smoke around the children. The boys stated their clothes smell like smoke and everyone at school makes fun of them because they smell like smoke. Drugs are not
The benefit of IT for work tasks is the ease of communication. Many attendees at a meeting may be invited quickly in one go rather than people
There are a number of substitutes to air travel, especially over short distances. These include taking other modes of transportation such as driving, taking the train etc., or not traveling at all. The use of technology (like WebEx, NetMeeting, video-conferencing etc.) that facilitates remote virtual collaboration is becoming a good substitute for business air travel as well.
In addition, the downturn of business cycle and advance in video-conferencing technologies also affect the company estimation of future demand. It predicts that during the next 20 years, economies will grow annually by 3.2%, and air travel will grow with GDP at an annual rate of 5.1%. According to this long-term market outlook, it suggests that there will certain be a market for 7E7.
“It’s just the stupidest law possible; just legalize it and tax it like we do liquor,” Morgan Freeman. When you think of a drug you mostly think of medicine you buy at the store or more awful drugs like cocaine, mushrooms, and maybe weed. Well, there are some good drugs out of that and its weed. So let's talk about that weed or marijuana is actually healthy for you.
There are many organizations that deal with the problem of overpopulation or problems related to the effects of overpopulation such as environmental effects. Some of the organizations that I found related to this topic are the United Nations Population Fund, a group called Population Matters, another group called the World Population Balance and the Center for Biological Diversity. All of these groups deal with the issue of overpopulation and the effects that overpopulation has on world. These groups all have the same goals of raising awareness to people all over the world about overpopulation and how it’s a serious issue that can no longer be pushed away.