
Walt Disney Company : The Quest For Competitive Advantage

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The Walt Disney Company, a company that every person from ages four to ninety-four know. Some people believe Disney is just a company that creates new characters and movies for their children to grow up with, however; they are expanded their horizons throughout the years. Today, Walt Disney is diversified in the media and entertainment industry. These include theme parks and resorts, motion picture production, and a various number of television networks. As Walt Disney continued to dominate other industries, it is no surprise that their revenues have increased. From the beginning of 2007 with revenues of $35.5 billion the company increased profits to $45 billion in 2013. Not only this, but the share price had consistently outperformed in …show more content…

This image has been developed and built throughout decades. While they have been developing this brand they have also been given the title of being ethical and having outstanding values. Disney has created a family-oriented atmosphere that parents have come to appreciate since the company was established. Becoming a diversified company throughout the years would be Walt Disney’s second strength. Since the beginning, Disney was the largest media and entertainment company in the world. Some of the most popular products and services Disney owns is Star Wars, Marvel, and even ESPN. When a company is capable to spread its line of work like Walt Disney has, there is an unlimited space for success. However, with these strengths comes weaknesses as well. For instance, even though Disney has took over the ESPN network there have been nearly eight million people unsubscribe. This has nothing to do with the fact that Disney owns it, but because people are turning to internet for streaming sport functions. Unfortunately, under this circumstance Disney is still affected dramatically. A second weakness would be how unpredictable customers are. Since Disney solely exists because of their customers they must adapt to changes in tastes and preferences. Not only this, but being in the entertainment industry Disney customers expect to see new movies and attractions. To be in this industry it is difficult to constantly be

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