
We Offer Self-Development Courses Essay

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Assalamualaikum. First of all, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Nurul Ain Binti Mohamed Ghazali. I am here today to talk about the various self-development programs that we are offering to you. Ladies and gentlemen! What do you understand about the self-development? The self-development is the process to develop the self towards a better and effective. I would like to explain what the self-development course? The course is designed to encourage new employees learn to increase their knowledge, improve personal skills and performance in a career and make self-confidence increases. It is also a process of educating new employees the basic skills they need in performing their duties.

We will offer several courses for you all …show more content…

As a human, I am sure there will be something objective or dream to be achieved. Thus, to move and make decisions to achieve it is a motivation.

I want to notice the benefit of self-development first to produce individuals who have the talent and skills needed for example, workers with complete speaking skills and can persuade and convince customers out there and this will benefit to companies and yourself. The second benefits of the workers are motivated high to be able to manage the stress of the work in the face. And the third benefits will be donated to the effectiveness of the do workers as examples of employees who have various skills will produce a correct and successful work with the help of trained skills. And also makes employees more committed to perform assigned duties.

Ladies and gentlemen, let us continue with the introduction of courses that will be offered. The first course is a Time Management Course. We here are always strapped for time in which to complete the work within the given set. This course is designed to train employees to manage their time wisely and properly. All people in this world have as much time, but just the only effective lifestyle more productive and organized with good time management. The key words to increase personal productivity and effectiveness of highly effective self lies in how they manage their time and find the top priority. Time management skills are very effective is a most

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