
Week 1 Assignment:Intangible Qualities Of Public Transit,

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Week 1 Assignment: Intangible Qualities of Public Transit, Supply Chain Management and Time-Based Competition, and the Leagile Supply Chain
Cara E. Pascarella
TLMT502 – Dr. Wyatt

This paper seeks to answer multiple questions regarding logistics and transportation. The first response provides some intangible qualities of public transportation systems that allow them to flourish in large cities. Secondly, the paper discussed the formation of supply chain management and how it has been affected by time-based competition. Lastly, the leagile supply chain and its advantages are explained. Week 1 Assignment: Intangible Qualities of Public Transit, Supply Chain Management and Time-Based Competition, and the Leagile …show more content…

They can also help the passengers enjoy the city’s heritage while simultaneously creating a feeling of pride in its travelers. This kind of transit can enhance one’s sense of belonging and helps stimulate a sense of prestige (Nordahl, 2008). Connection to place starts with the form of transit, the design details, and the transit route; each piece contributes to the passengers’ experience of the geography, the culture, and the history of the place. For example, the Victorian-styled cable cars in San Francisco, California further reflect the main architectural style of the city (Nordahl, 2008). In order to achieve connection to place, cities need to forego the one-size-fits-all mentality toward public transportation, and develop unique designs that are more conducive to making memorable journeys. Additionally, well-designed transit can encourage social engagement and conversations. The possibility of strangers engaging in conversation is better when in a setting that is “comfortable, stimulating, and rewarding and where the orientation of seating facilitates eye contact and small talk” (Nordahl, 2008). At times, it may be a person who is needed to spark conversation; San Francisco’s cable car conductors initiate small talk by mingling with the passengers at various points of the trip, which in turn, can start other conversations among passengers (Nordahl, 2008). Another unique

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