
Wellness And Health

Decent Essays

What does treating the body, mind, and soul mean to you? And why is it important? Treating the body, mind, and soul means to me having balance in these areas because it contributes to a person’s overall health and well-being. The seven principles of wellness include “wellness is holistic, the self is the only true healer, wellness is your responsibility, positivity is empowerment, wellness is an active process, wellness is outcome-oriented, and prevention eliminates the need for treatment” (Hopper, 2016). When treating a person whether in counseling or medically the whole person is integrated into one which includes the body, mind, and spirit. Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health among others contributes to our well-being …show more content…

(Psych Central, 2016).
Provide examples of how you treat the body, mind, and soul as you facilitate family and group sessions? How does treating the body, mind, and soul in groups and families differ from when working with individual clients? When facilitating a group or family in therapy the body, mind, and soul are treated by providing therapeutic services a social worker works with the groups and families to help them overcome problems and help them to make changes and in doing so it improves the family and individual’s well-being and mental or emotional health or helps to resolve problems with behavior and beliefs, or other things and improves relationships or people’s lives by addressing the issues and finding solutions.
Counseling and therapy leads to wellness for the clients and improves their health and well-being and that is done by encouraging the family and group, empowering them, supporting them, and allowing them to help themselves. As a result, it often brings about positive changes and completion of goals and gives the power and confidence back to the client that they might have lost and helps them to have a better future by helping themselves and solving their own

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