
What I Learned About My Life During The Decade Of The 1980 ' S

Good Essays

Everyone has a different background to their early lives. We all have went through events that other people have never even thought about going through whether it being a positive or negative circumstance. However, we all have went through the same historical timeline. By this I mean that people living through the same decades have went through the same historical events such as with wars, precedencies, and all the signings between countries throughout the world. As I thought about who I wanted to interview for my history report, I concluded that I wanted to learn more about my mom when she was the same age as me. My interviewee that I chose was my mom, Lora Phelps, as she lived through the late 1980’s between the ages of 18-20. I wanted …show more content…

That’s a huge reason why I have nothing to do with my grandma, because of the way that she treated my mom all those years throughout her childhood. My mom had to learn to grow up real quick and take over as head of the household and care for her 5 other brothers. So as soon as mom turned 18, she moved in with her grandma and took her brothers with her. Now under her grandmas roof lived 8 people total in a small 3 bedroom house. Mom worked hard throughout high school and ended up graduating early so that she could hurry and get into the workforce. She wanted to help her grandma out and bring more income in for her family. At the age of 18, Mom put in an application at the Osh Kosh B’ Gosh factory in her hometown of Clinton County. Every day for a week, Mom would borrow her grandpa’s truck and drive down to the factory to check on her application. Exactly a week from the date that she put her application in, they told her that she had been hired. Clinton County was and still is a very small town so it was only a certain number of job opportunities that people could partake in. There was more factory jobs available than there were normal jobs such as fast food jobs or sales associate jobs. She could not afford to drive far away from her home to go to work so she had to find a job in the same town as her. She worked eight hours a day, five days a week for almost 5 years while bringing home

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