
What Is E-Commerce Essay

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Introduction to E-Commerce
The full form of e-commerce is electronic commerce. E-commerce is an advanced technology related with commerce and computer. Commerce solutions are more than just handling the business transactions. To manage, organize and performing these business transactions for various products and services online, then there is a need of computer with an internet connection. In simple words the process of doing business online is E-commerce. Whether it’s buying and selling tangible products, stocks, bonds, services or various household things. E-commerce covers a vast amount of transactions of B2C and B2B on the web through internet. It consists of E-retailing, electronic data interchange (EDI) and electronic fund transfers (EFT). In the electronic world consumers are now able to use internet for the number of reasons such as online banking, research, communication and even for shopping. The …show more content…

Most people purchase products on internet because they can achieve the goods delivered at their doorstep and get discount at the same time. But high shipping costs increase the price and decrease their motivation.

Costly products: The high prices of the products may also be a reason for the lack of trust on online shopping. If the product is very costly for the users, then it is sure that they will not buy it. If you are applying taxes to the products then the users may look somewhere else or try to purchase it from the nearest physical store.

Quality of products: The main disadvantage of online shopping is the product quality. If buy some clothes in online shopping means you do not have any idea about the product quality. Because we can’t judge the quality of cloth without touching it. After receive the product then only you know the quality of the product. This is the main reason many people does not trust in online shopping.

How to manage the consumer’s trust for Online

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