importantly I have been clear where I stand where social justice comes in.
I will add that both parties have succumbed to corruption and neither is as transparent as they claim to be. What is most offensive is the use of the Bible and Christian philosophy to hide behind or defend actions that are clearly not Biblical.
My problem is the rhetoric that is used to make policies.
The Bible states numerous verses about corruption. Paul warned Timothy about such men in 1st Timothy 6.
There are currently 11 Republican governors that are being investigated, under indictment, or scrutiny for their lack of ethics, violations of their office, and/or outright crimes. Yet even so, nine of these same men are running for office and leading in the polls.
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Many Biblical figures and well-known social justice figures went about changing the world outside of government.
As United States citizens, we have the right to vote and in doing so vote consciously for the betterment of our country, your state, and your own communities, which will ultimately affect your street.
Chapter 12: Personal Views
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I am a Democrat because I daily appreciate the ways in which government improves individual lives and the common good.
I am a Democrat because I see a difference between fairness and justice.
I am a Democrat because Biblical values are far from clear cut, so I focus on what Jesus chose to focus on in his earthly ministry.
God is not a Republican, a Democrat, or an Independent. He is God and He reigns supreme over all the earth. Mankind might like to think they reign but “God reigns over the nations; God reigns over the United States. God is seated on his holy throne” (Psalm 47:8) “for dominion belongs to the LORD and he rules over the nations” (Psalm 22:28), and as David proclaimed, “For you rule the peoples justly and guide the nations of the earth” (Psalm 67:4).
This does not mean that we should not vote. I believe since we have the power and freedom to vote, we should. We should vote for those who uphold Godly values and the moral character befitting a leader, but we should not be insulting to those who are God-ordained in authority over
I have no political party affiliation and voting no. Here are some details about who I am, please use them to try and influence your readers to disqualify my opinion. A Christian housewife 40 years old with terrible credit, that is in debt up to her eyeballs. As well, being a supporter of a women's right to choose, the right to keep and bear arms, and LGBT rights. However, believes there is intelligent life elsewhere in God's vast universe. I have been struggling with heath issues such as depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia.
If the party was like that over seventy-five years ago, and many would consider such thoughts corrupt, the Republican Party surely must have changed over such a long time. The success of the Democrats during the Great Depression and World War II led many to believe that the Republican Party was the cause of the Great Depression. Its policies certainly would direct themselves toward the contrary yet still the blame rested on them. The blame still rested
“Requiring citizens to vote is no more restrictive than requiring them to register for the draft” (Doc C). Voting will just be added to a list of what Americans need to do for their country. If we can drive on the same side of the road constantly, voting every once in awhile won’t be a huge problem. “In sum, voting is the least a citizen can do for his or her country” (Doc C). Voting is a form of freedom of speech, when people vote they vote for what they believe in and most people want what’s best for the country. “It is not unreasonable to ask US citizens to do this minimal thing” (Doc
I believe that I am more Republican. Some of the biggest issues that are important to me are abortion, immigration and taxes. Even though my beliefs on abortion do not line up with that of republicans, I still generally side with their beliefs more. I believe in prochoice, I think that people should be safe when it comes to things like pregnancy but if they want to get an abortion, it is up to that person. The government should not be allowed to control what someone does with their body in this aspect. Immigration is another issue I find very important feel that if someone is here illegally, they should not be allowed to stay. I feel that immigration is ok as long as the person coming into the country does it right. America is a country of immigrants so of course our arm should be open to those who wish to live here. However, the moment they are here illegally and are not planning to legally be part of the country they should be deported. Finally, taxes are a somewhat important issue to me. I think that the very rich should have higher taxes since it makes more sense that they would have the money to pay for it. Those who do not make a lot a year should be minimally taxed so that they are able to pay their taxes each year.
There is a Historical list of reasons why I am a Democrat. The Democratic Party believes in a healthy administration, the elevation of the community and social responsibility. It is very same the party that took a stand for the jobs & economy, gay rights, civil rights, health care, Social Security, unions, and women's rights. The Democratic Party also home to the most iconic and influential presidents that would forever leave their mark on American history such as Barack Obama, John F. Kennedy, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Day by day the Democratic Party fights in House and in U.S. Senate to push forward important reforms that are often in the face of Republican rejection. Through the years the American people have turned to Democrats to
the democrats want to scale down government spends on the national defense budgt to help with other things such as health care because the U.S. spends more on our military than any other country in the world. Now with the heath care, democrats want all of the U.S. citizens to be able to get the healthcare they need and deserve. the democrats also want to bring renewable energy into the new world with solar panels and wind energy while cutting our independence on foreign oil. the democrats want to make collage more affordable for all so everyone can get the same opportunities. Basically democrats thing the economy is to complicated and think government officials should guide big business decisions.
Voting is a right that was given to us by the democracy government system. I believe that when it comes to voting everybody participate in their civil duty much like jury duty, or doing your taxes if they are of age. Instead of giving U.S citizens the option to vote, making it mandatory to vote will ensure that everybody will have a say into how
Many Americans don't vote because they think their vote doesn't count. This is a common excuse that's rooted in the belief that the Electoral College chooses the President, not the voters. In reality, the popular vote in
Many people have different opinions on political subjects. The ways a person may feel about these subjects determine what they are in the political world. I personally do not follow politics like other people older than me do, but I do consider myself to be a moderate democrat. Both of my parents are democrats, and they choose to be of this political spectrum because they feel like the Democratic Party represents them. They feel as they stand for policies that will better them as people. With me, I am my own person so I take in the considerations of my parents’ choice, but also make my own decisions. I do believe in some of the policies and ideas of the Democratic Party, but disagree on
As Americans citizen we enjoy our rights and freedoms as a society. We enjoy our freedom of speech and our right to choose where to live. With all those freedoms also these rights comes with a legal obligation to uphold and to follow the law of our country. Also there are many American citizens moral obligated to exercise their rights but many times of the case Americans citizens are not forces to legally oblige to follow the law. A good example an American citizen has the right to bear arms but also an American citizen also has the right not to own a weapon. It is really important as an American citizen that we understand the pros and cons of voting.
The Democratic Party is one of two major political parties in the United States. I associate myself as a Democrat for the reason of their liberal views. The Democratic Party tends to be more liberal and support the views like same sex marriage, immigration, and social and economic equality. Many of the views the party stands for and beliefs tie to my beliefs. Some of the key priorities of the Democratic Party are the Economy, Poverty and Homelessness, Education, Healthcare Policy, Social Security and Medicare, Immigration, and Gun Policy.
Unlike in 1930s Belgium, where the Catholic Party united with the Liberals and Socialists to defeat the fascist Rex Party, the Republicans refused to ally with the Democrats in the 2016 election, even after Trump was projected to win. As a result, they once again mirror the practices of pre-World War II Germany and Italy. Instead of filtering out an extremist, they chose to support them. This is not to compare the leadership candidates of each state, but rather the shortcomings of their gatekeeping systems. Filtration has worked in the past because “Norms of toleration and restraint served as the guardrails of American democracy, helping it avoid the kind of partisan fight to the death…” (Levitsky and Ziblatt 9). As shown, a mutual desire for cooperation is necessary to preserve democracy. Therefore, politicians must tolerate one another and withhold from using their influential power against one another. Belgium protected themselves by exercising this practice to some extent, but this was not the case in Germany or Italy, where their lust for power ultimately destroyed their fragile democracies and led to the rise of dictatorships. Based on the outcomes of these decisions, the American situation looks somewhat dire. The Republican Party opted to support an extremist rather than a candidate from the Democratic Party because they were unwilling to
Growing up, my family had always been strictly Democratic with a conservative view here and there and it surely has influenced my political stance. Not only that but being a Democrat to me means being a humanitarian and genuinely having hope for the future of America and all its
Still, I did have to see the very options that democrats provided for Americans. Who were the faces of democrats? Then I began to notice people like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were the faces of a democrat. Honestly, I took a liking to them; they didn’t look like ones typical politician. They were both minorities in their positions in government; Hillary a female who ran for president, Barack Obama I man whose skin wasn’t of the majority and is now president. Democrats seemed to be making history and that caught my eye. The democrats seemed to be all full of new ideas and movements it became apparent that they might be for me. But even so I needed to know what was great about the other political party.
A few individuals contend it 's not worth trying to vote either on the grounds that they don 't care for the hopefuls or they don 't trust government regardless of which party holds the Congress. Numerous individuals are furious with the legislature and couldn 't care less to vote. Voting is both a privilege and an obligation as a citizen. Our democratic system is established upon the guideline of free and reasonable elections in which each qualified citizen casts a vote. You have the decision to make about whether to practice your entitlement to vote. In any case, it makes a difference. You have the last say.