
What Is Social Justice?

Decent Essays

importantly I have been clear where I stand where social justice comes in.
I will add that both parties have succumbed to corruption and neither is as transparent as they claim to be. What is most offensive is the use of the Bible and Christian philosophy to hide behind or defend actions that are clearly not Biblical.
My problem is the rhetoric that is used to make policies.
The Bible states numerous verses about corruption. Paul warned Timothy about such men in 1st Timothy 6.
There are currently 11 Republican governors that are being investigated, under indictment, or scrutiny for their lack of ethics, violations of their office, and/or outright crimes. Yet even so, nine of these same men are running for office and leading in the polls. …show more content…

Many Biblical figures and well-known social justice figures went about changing the world outside of government.
As United States citizens, we have the right to vote and in doing so vote consciously for the betterment of our country, your state, and your own communities, which will ultimately affect your street.

Chapter 12: Personal Views …show more content…

I am a Democrat because I daily appreciate the ways in which government improves individual lives and the common good.
I am a Democrat because I see a difference between fairness and justice.
I am a Democrat because Biblical values are far from clear cut, so I focus on what Jesus chose to focus on in his earthly ministry.
God is not a Republican, a Democrat, or an Independent. He is God and He reigns supreme over all the earth. Mankind might like to think they reign but “God reigns over the nations; God reigns over the United States. God is seated on his holy throne” (Psalm 47:8) “for dominion belongs to the LORD and he rules over the nations” (Psalm 22:28), and as David proclaimed, “For you rule the peoples justly and guide the nations of the earth” (Psalm 67:4).
This does not mean that we should not vote. I believe since we have the power and freedom to vote, we should. We should vote for those who uphold Godly values and the moral character befitting a leader, but we should not be insulting to those who are God-ordained in authority over

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