
What Is The Breakdown Of Communication In Flight Analysis

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On the day of our flight, we had the breakdown of communications, breakdown of SA, and breakdown of scan, but what we did have in our favor was the trust in what we were looking at on our instruments. As the navigator, I had requested a clearance from the radar operator, which in turn led to enough data being placed in the captain’s brain to make him fly to safety. I trusted the navigation equipment I had displayed in front of me, because all the information to that point was correct, checked, and congruent with the outside world. The radar operator trusted his radar equipment displayed in front of him, because all the information to that point was correct, checked, and congruent with the outside world. And the captain trusted his …show more content…

Trust your systems. Trust your people and your team. The only way a person is able to trust their instruments or their main information systems within the business environment is by using them and trusting them in all facets of the business cycle. Information systems that are provided to the organization are constantly changing. They are constantly providing different information and to different people. To truly understand and trust these instruments, staff need to spend time manipulating the systems as well as learning how to read them under stress and when degraded. By degraded, I mean that when a particular piece of information is not coming through with the desired results that align with what is expected (just like with the CFIT case), the staff and/or team members need to know how to decipher the incorrect information, revert to what they know to be true, and continue with that information. Without the trust in the system under stress and degradation, a team member is unlikely to continue with the systems and revert to what “feels” right. And just like flying, your business or organization needs to be black and white in high-stress situations and trust the instruments. ~ Do you trust your teams who are feeding you the information? ~ Do you have your internal systems set up in a way that allows for quick response times? (CC) The Airmic report outlined that one of the key risks to an organization was the risk of failure to recognize change in a risk

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