
What Is The Lewis Model Argumentative Essay

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Lewis Model Argumentative Essay According to the article The Lewis Model Explains Every Culture in the World, a British linguist Richard Lewis who is a world traveler plots a chat about the world’s cultures. It shows the countries in relation to three categories: Linear-actives, Multi-actives, and Reactives. He thinks that is a general tradition and the conclusions do not change significantly over time. Any of the national norms have deep roots. This article makes a summary of the identities of different countries. Lewis divides three types of cultures based on people from different areas. These conclusions are surely regularly followed. Environment can make a great influence to people, especially to their character. So even if there are some …show more content…

Mexico is accepting of a hierarchal order. People respect the power from higher management, following rules of management. On the other hand, Switzerland’s society believes that inequalities should be minimized. Here people think everyone should be treated equally among all rankings. Higher management is in favor of using lower ranking employee's experiences to better enhance organizations. In Switzerland, people are individualistic meaning that they work for to take care of their immediate family and themselves. Mexico is the opposite in that, society works in a sense as a group. People work and stay loyal in all relationships no matter what relationship they have together. And it's clear that Italians and Americans are very different culturally. They have huge disparities in Indulgence, long term orientation, uncertainty avoidance, and notable differences in individualism and power distance. Americans are very indulgent and show little restraint in having fun, wanting to party, and rewarding themselves. Italians are vastly different, they seldom indulge and most likely view American society as wrong or conflicting with their norms. Americans also think less long term compared to Italians. Americans seek instant gratification, while Italians tend to think more long term. Italians see reaching success as a steady walk, not a sprint. When focusing on their individualism, they are ‘me’ centered. This is found more in the Northern larger, more successful cities. Family and friends is definitely a big part of the Italian lifestyle but friend in a work setting can be different than a casual setting. For Italians, the way to happiness is found by self-fulfillment but it is not quite the same in Southern Italy. This individualist type of living is not as common so when traveling from southern Italy to Northern Italy, there is a difference in engagement between the

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