
What Purpose Of Biblical And Theological Study?

Decent Essays

A friend once challenged me by asking me to think about what the purpose of biblical and theological study should be. He claimed that the purpose with which we approach study will impact the outcome of the education. My purposes and hopes of theological education consist of four elements. The first hope I have for theological education is to grow in my own knowledge of and relationship with God. In studying the biblical text and the various theological interpretations of the text that have been developed over the years, I hope to acquire a deeper revelation of God’s character, God’s activity in the world, and how I am to respond to this revelation. True comprehension of God is not acquired by learning merely one theological approach; rather, various interpretations of Scripture and theology each contain elements of truth within them. It is the duty of the Christian to learn the various interpretations of Scripture and theology in order to acquire a more robust and true comprehension of God. My hope is that a theological education would provide an atmosphere in which these various interpretations can be discovered, discussed and dissected. This would, in turn, allow me to have a greater understanding of God, which understanding would then propel me into a deeper relationship with God. The second hope I have for a theological education is that it would enable me to articulate and defend my faith in a more complete way. Today’s world seems to be filled with more people asking

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