
What Why Xxx Chose A Career As Culinary Arts Is His Passion

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As working and studying at the same time, I surround by numerous amazing people from different countries, cultures and backgrounds. However, they all achieve a certain kind of success in their own fields. One of my coworkers at Stella’s, XXX, a first cook and assistant inventory manager, is very enthusiastic. Her unequaled palate of sight, taste, and touch has been displayed through her beautiful style of cooking. The purpose of this interview is to further understand about how would life be if you were a first cook as well as implementations of cooking concepts in real kitchen scenario.
Interviewing with XXX help me to learn more about the life of a cook and also applications of business strategies into running a restaurant. XXX, graduated at RRC 4 years ago with an Honor, has worked in the Hotel environment for few years then now is an assistant inventory manager in the restaurant. One of the reasons why XXX chose a career in culinary arts is his passion. XXX believes that to be successful in culinary arts fields, especially as a kitchen manager, passion is not enough, but ability and talent. With his genuine devoutness and considerable experience, he has trained for many new kitchen staffs in the last few years, and became the most favorite employee in the restaurant.
Staffing, staff training
Finding and maintaining good kitchen staff are two major pain points for operators today. With barely a prompt, XXX said that cultural diversity in culinary arts field is a must

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