
Essay about Whos The Boss?

Good Essays

Who’s The Boss?
A typical relationship between an employee and an employer exists on the acknowledgment of who is in charge; an employee must accept the employer as an authority. A worker should address the employer with a certain amount of respect and professionalism. An employer should have control of their employees and make it clear that they are the boss.
In David Mamet’s play Glengarry Glen Ross, however the relationship between the employees and the employer is extremely atypical. There is no correlation to what is believed to be the norm. The language Mamet uses in the play makes the peculiar relationship believable. The arguing and resentment can be felt be the reader. …show more content…

Both of ‘em, six and ten, you can do it…six and ten…eight and eleven, I don’t give a shit, you set ‘em up? Alright? The two sits in Des Plaines.
LEVENE. Good. Now we’re talking. (pause)
WILLIAMSON. A hundred bucks. (pause)
LEVENE. Now? (pause) Now?
WILLIAMSON. Now. (pause) Yes…When?
LEVENE. Ah, shit, John. (pause)
WILLIAMSON. I wish I could.
LEVENE. You fucking asshole. (pause) I haven’t got it. (pause) I haven’t got it, John. (pause) I’ll pay you tomorrow. (pause) I’m coming in here with sales, I’ll pay you tomorrow. (pause) I haven’t got it, when I pay, the gas...I get back to the hotel, I’ll bring it in tomorrow (act 1, scene1, 13-14).”
This does not sound like a conversation somebody would have with his or her boss. Talks of bribery from the employee to the employer are being discussed in this conversation there are. This does not seem to faze Williamson at all. He keeps saying “no” and Levene still continues to push. Later in the conversation Levene says to Williamson “Well, I want to tell you something, fella, wasn’t long I could pick up the phone, call Murray and I’d have your job. You know that? Not too long ago. For what? For nothing. ‘Mur, this new kid burns my ass.’ ‘Shelly, he’s out.’ You’re gone before I’m back from lunch. I bought him a trip to Bermuda once….(act 1, scene 1, 14.)” In a typical office setting Levene would have been fired with the first sign of disrespect and foul language to the boss, however, here, he is not even

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