
Why Concealed Weapons Should be Allowed Essay

Decent Essays

Everyone wants to feel safe and everyone has their opinion. When it comes to concealed weapons, people have become very enchanted with the topic. They have joined groups that share their views like the NRA (National Rifle Association), which supports concealed weapons or the Brady Campaign which is against concealed weapons. When it comes down to it, there are just two groups, one for concealed weapon and the other against it. These two groups have the same goal, but each have a certain path that they would rather fallow. When searching for support one of the groups may use facts to gain support for the path of action, while the other group may use emotional events to gain support for their path. When thinking about it, one must not look …show more content…

The people that are for concealed weapons feel that it is their right to carry. That it is a right granted to them by the United States Constitution. That government should not be responsible for protecting them at every turn. That it is their own right to protect themselves and their family. They are independent and wish to be independent from the government. There is a small percentage of the population that has a concealed weapons permit. In that small percentage everyone is a law abiding citizen, except for a few here and there. They are a set of citizens hard to tell apart in a crowd because of their normality. This meaning that they do not plan on doing harm with their weapon. They respect the fact that having a concealed weapon is serious business. They are willing to go through the tests and classes that one must go through to obtain their permit. They know all the laws, which they must fallow, with that one could safely say that a concealed weapon would be handled safely by this set of people. Many issues facing the country today could be fixed with simple law. This law being the one that legalizes concealed weapons. This law would help one protect himself, to lower crime, and to lower the occurrence of mass shootings. In a world filled with crime, the ability to protect oneself and family is very important. There will not always be a police officer or some form of law enforcement for

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