
Why I Should Become A Teacher

Decent Essays

Why Do I Want to Become a Teacher?
Are teachers important? When you think about teachers do you think that they get the same pay grade as doctors, lawyers, or politicians? No teachers do not even come close, but does that mean that they are that less important? Teachers have the most challenging and important job in the world. Teachers have a very difficult job but in the end, it is rewarding. Teachers get to see children develop into bright leaders, and know in their hearts that they helped shaped that child into who he/she is today, and not every profession can say that. I want to become a teacher because it will give a feeling of accomplishment, I will be a setting a great example for my own children, and can positively affect the lives …show more content…

Teachers play a vital role in children’s lives. Children go to school five to seven hours a day, 5 days a week, for approximately 12 years depending on ages, which grade they start, and how fast they learn. Usually, teachers spend more time with children than their own parents do. I have always been surrounded by children, whether it be by being a teaching assistant in children’s church, or being a baby sitter, or going to help my mother at her work on days when I got out early for exams. Some way or another I have always surrounded my life on helping children, sometimes by the simple things like sticking their straw in their juice box at snack time, to playing CD’s so that they can sing along and learn their ABC’s. Even if I only see the children at church one time a week for one hour, it fills my heart with such joy and strive to come back and teach them a new bible story next Sunday. Teaching children at church helps me to better understand how important teacher’s jobs are to this world. It is so important to me that children have such a healthy lifestyle both physically and spiritually. The children that are growing up now are going to be the next generation, so it is very important to teach them not only the four basic classes; English, Math, Science, and Social Studies, but they should also learn how to eat healthy and exercise daily. There is still an ongoing problem with obesity in Americans, and

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