
Why I Want to Study Law at University of Pennsylvania Essay

Decent Essays

I see the world through different eyes than my peers. When reading, I micro-analyze the fine details, decoding the meaning of the words while subconsciously searching for any grammar errors, inconsistencies, or loopholes. I am also quick to defend my beliefs and ideas, yet consider the perspectives of others with an open mind and concede when I am wrong. Whenever I experience a sudden bout of curiosity, I take pleasure in researching extensive information on my latest muse; and-- to the shock of many of my fellow schoolmates-- I sincerely enjoy writing in all shapes and forms, from poetry to nonfiction narratives. With all of these attributes, my brain is practically hardwired for law-- and the University of Pennsylvania has the right …show more content…

This unique writing center would not only provide plenty of recreation, but would also enable me to meet new people with similar hobbies and involve myself in the community through my talent in writing. While I would definitely benefit from an education at the University of Pennsylvania, I believe that the university would also benefit from me. As aforementioned, I am exceptionally strong in critical reading, writing, and linguistics. In high school I am the go-to girl for editing essays, and I would be more than willing to uphold my position throughout college. I also would serve as a strong advocate for the importance of reading and writing in our educational system by joining writing/reading clubs and tutoring fellow students and local children in the art of the English written word.
More importantly, however, I would add to the inimitable conglomeration of personalities within the University of Pennsylvania community. I would contribute to the school spirit by supporting our athletes, joining clubs, sharing my experiences, and wearing school paraphernalia. I would make friends, forge connections with my professors, and give my very best effort to all of my classes. I would stand up for what I believe in, yet remain open-minded about other people’s beliefs. And, throughout everything, I would remain optimistic and positive, because that is an essential and irrevocable aspect of who I am. Philadelphia may literally mean the city of brotherly love, but it is

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