
Why Student Goes Into Academic Affairs

Decent Essays

In order to fully understand why a student goes into academic affairs, one must figure out the reason why. “The purpose of this study was to consider factors (why) that graduate students” (Taub and McEwen, 2006, p 206) entered various programs that dealt with student affairs. Maybe the student had an advisor that went above and beyond to help them. Maybe the student faced a form of discrimination. Maybe they were impacted by someone in a higher position.
I first discovered the ability to go into student affairs when I came to Arkansas Tech University. When my education continued at Arkansas Tech I faced various challenges that I had to overcome. In order to make sure that nothing like this ever happened again I enrolled in the college student personnel program. College is the most stressful time of someone’s life and if they do not have the proper support they will break.
So in order to make everyone feel welcome on a college campus I must pursue this degree and fight the fight. “Understanding what influences person to enter the student affairs profession is important” (Taub and McEwen,2006, p 206) whether it was positive or negative. The main reason why Taub and McEwen studied the choices of students who choose this career path was because they wanted to see what impacted them to do so.
Taub and McEwen choose over 300 students who were enrolled in different master’s programs all across the United States. Some were enrolled in college student personnel programs

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