
Why The Behavioral Theory Is Better For Success Of Teams

Better Essays

Success often stems from an optimal combination between planning and performing. When it comes to teams it is often fastidious to determine this combination as the execution and accountability of the task is not set. Therefore it is not surprising that many research projects are directed to finding out the dynamics of a team as it is unhesitatingly accepted that teams are critical in an organization’s success. Many believe that the evolvement of management thought, especially the scientific management and the organisational behaviour theories, which elevates efficiency by enriching the connection between the work and the worker, has been a key contributor, this is often untrue when theory is applied to real life. This essay will discuss why the behavioural theory is better suited when success of teams is considered and how the scientific management theory limits the team’s freedom and capacity to succeed by relating to the factors which influence team success.
Scientific management is considered the pioneer of management thought, founded by Frederick Taylor in 1911 this was later enhanced by Henry Gantt, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. Taylorism revolves around 4 principles which improve efficiency by devising one best way to perform a job (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg and Coulter, 2012) with the introduction of a scientific element in every task performed. On the other hand behavioural science stems from the organisational behaviour approach which is rooted in the belief that

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