
Why Tourism Matters

Decent Essays

CH.35- Why Tourism Matters
By Sharon Bohn Gmelch

In spite of lying on extravagant beaches, visiting famous sites like the Niagara Falls or whichever fun experiences you may have in mind. Tourism plays a huge role in the global economy. Tourism is the largest industry in the world. One in every twelve workings is associated with it. In the year 2006 there was 840 million international tourists crossing their nation’s boarders around the world. In 2020 it’s expected to double, generating two trillion dollars. The rapid growth has large negative impacts on the environment but entitles great economic growth. It’s a huge business with both ups and downs. Travelling for pleasure isn’t modern. It’s been happening for centuries but …show more content…

Although I feel the author portrays a lot of negativity in the chapter such as the impacts of tourism. The title is still called “Why Tourism Matters.” - Implying that it is a very important for the world, whether it is cultural or economical. Hawaii is a prime example of this as its economical development has strengthened through tourism. Without the tourism I don’t think I would have been able to come to Hawaii and enjoy an education of this level. Vacation to most people or me is a form of entertainment. When I go on vacation, taking care of the economy, although I care, is not the first thing on my mind. I believe this is true in terms of the minds of most individuals on vacation. While many are on vacation, economic growth, global warming, or other issues don’t seem to cross many people’s minds. People are very busy and don’t always have the time to think about these things, especially when they’re taking a break from work, or school. Tourism has both negatives and positives. Will tourism continue to corrupt or help the

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