
Why Uniforms Should Be Paid

Decent Essays

Doesn’t it get boring looking around at the same clothes on everybody. Certain clothing helps put people into friend groups. Why would you want to go to school when you can’t choose what you want to dress and there is no comfort to the clothes you are forced to wear. What about all of the parents that can not afford to pay for the pricey uniforms, sometimes for more than one child. There are many reason that a child should not be forced to wear uniforms, and it's not always just for the kids sometimes parents can’t afford to pay the extra fees. On top of all of the fees to get in school such as technology, books, supplies, P.E. uniforms, and many more items that are needed to start the school year why add more fees for the parents to pay just for their child to get an education. The average uniform cost about two hundred and forty nine dollars, and you …show more content…

Not all parents have the extra money to pay for uniforms so why should there kids education have to be taken from them because for there parents finances That's five hundred dollars for two uniforms if you only have one child. It is to cair to put all of these expenses on parents who just want their kids to get and education. Second, it is very unsatisfying for the children to have to go to school when they have to wear the same boring clothes as everybody, everyday. These uniforms are not comfortable for the students to wear and don’t always look the best. Uniforms sure do look nice to the school board but not to the students that have to wear them everyday. Wearing the same old uniforms everyday gets really old, the students should get the opportunity to pick there own

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