
Kids Shouldn T Have Uniforms

Decent Essays

To schools providing uniforms for students, February 24, 2016

Imagine walking to school everyday in the same style clothes. Your entire wardrobe is full of blue buttoned up shirts and khakis or pink shirts and pink skirts. Has this ever happened to you? This is all from a confident sixth grader, and no, I’m not biased. I studied both sides and found reasons why kids should have uniforms. But still, I liked the reasons why kids shouldn’t have uniforms. You expect this to be my number one reason, “Kids should be able to wear what they want to,” nope, that’s not what this entire thing is going to be about. I have multiple reasons for you on why kids shouldn’t have uniforms. Let’s start with girls. What people typically think about …show more content…

So you think wearing uniforms would solve this issue, right? Nope, it’s not quite enough. Girls care about their appearance more because of their self-concept. Now, they will focus on how they look in their uniform compared to other girls. This can really lower their self confidence; speaking for myself. I once saw another girl wearing the same jeans as me and I questioned myself, which damaged the image I had of myself. Just so you know, this can explain the crying piece, besides the intense Netflix shows. Here’s another piece for girls; they’re embarrassed to wear these clothes because what if you accidentally expose something you don’t want to be seen? The skirt that you’re forced to wear doesn’t exactly fit you right and you keep tugging it down. Listen to …show more content…

This isn’t recent, “A 1999 study conducted by experts from Texas Southern University showed that bullying incidents increased by as much as 12%, after the implementation of mandatory uniform wearing,” a website says. But this right here is a bit concerning, “Echoing this sentiment is a 2007 study published in the Southwest Journal of Criminal Justice. According to the research, assaults increased by as much as 14 incidences yearly, right after the introduction of school uniforms,” from the same website. If there was an increase in bullying since they added uniforms to a school, then why would they continue it? I just want to put something out there. What if something happens to your uniform and the other ones are dirty? You can get in big trouble and probably can’t even go to school because of it. Want to hear something else? Companies invest in uniforms, no, not for the school’s benefit. But, they are keeping the money to themselves. I thought that one purpose of uniforms was to raise money for the school so that they can upgrade their supplies. I guess not… “In fact, numerous companies treat the uniform system as a major source of revenue. After all, Americans shell out a whopping $1 billion dollars every year,” says a website. If my school had uniforms and I knew about this, I would freak out. The only reason I would be ‘okay’ with uniforms is for the benefit for the school. Not

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