
Why Was The Revolutionary War Important

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Revolutionary War I think the Revolutionary War is the most important because it’s what made America become a country. We had been with Britain and they didn’t treat us fairly compared to what they treated people over their. The king made acts or laws that were unnecessary to present day America. For instance the king made a law that America could only buy tea from them. So they raised the prices way up to get money. In reaction we dressed like their workers and went on to their ships that carried the tea over, and dumped them all into the ocean. America told the king many times that they wanted to become their own country but the king refused and started the war. I think this is the most important because it was the war that made us become independent.If this didn’t happen i’m sure it eventually would, but this way it happened with the right people. 2. Presidents not kings To have presidents and not kings was the next important thing to the Revolution. After America had become a country the leaders would go to meetings and they all decided that their would be no king to rule over everyone but a president that could help lead America. This is important because think if we still had a king America would be so different and so many different outcomes would have happened and be happening. I’m not sure if America would have …show more content…

Since America was right in between them they were bribing and taking things away to make them help one another in the war. The British thought America had chosen the French and were angered, so they took away trade and that wasn’t good because that’s how America got all their food and essentials they needed to survive. So America then started making factories to help themselves. This was such an important part of history because without this happening we would have been leaning on other countries to help us survive and wouldn’t have been as independent as we

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