
Willow Creek Community Church: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Willow Creek Community Church is an influential megachurch located in Barrington Illinois. The church founded by Bill Hybels serves as the senior pastor, was considered one of the most influential churches in the United States. The church was steadfast in seeking “unchurched people” in search of spiritual maturity. Greg Hawkins, the executive pastor, was asked by the pastor to help in building an infrastructure where the church could connect with the community. Hawkins trusted that the work he did had an effect and if the Church truly helped parishioners along their journey. He contemplated, of all the things that the Church did, what had the maximum impact? If a generous donor gave Willow $100,000 to invest in having the biggest impact on helping parishioners grow into disciples of Christ, would Hawkins and the leadership team truly know what to do with the money (Meehan & Drabkig, 2012). Shireman’s System Approach – Explanation Shireman’s system approach would be successful at Willow Creek Community Church. Shireman (1999) stated, “by taking a systems approach to business and environment, conflict can be resolved to the benefit of both.” The Church was …show more content…

As Shireman (1999) stated, “being a responsible consumer and business operator of limited resources can improve one’s bottom line.” Many farmers have restricted or eliminated their use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides, which eliminates soil and water contamination, reduces erosion, preserves local wildlife, helps conserve biodiversity and helps fight against global warming. According to Chait (2016), organic farming can be profitable and organic food appeals to consumers as both a healthy and ethical choice. Beyond money and ethics, though, organic agricultural practices result in numerous environmental

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