
Benefits And Benefits Of Organic Foods

Good Essays

Abid Hossain
November 13, 2014
Mrs. Lumpkins

Benefits of Organic Foods
Sales of organic food have risen steadily over the past couple of years, reaching nearly $30 billion in 2011, or 4.2% of all U.S. food and beverage sales, (Adams). Many people believe that organic foods are ultimately the better choice when it comes to health due to the absence of pesticides and hormones. But other people—especially those whose food budgets may be more defined—wonder if organic food is really worth the inflated price tag. Despite the price, Organic foods are worth producing and consuming rather than conventional foods due to the immense benefits they provide.
While the designation of foods produced without the use of agrichemicals as organic began in the 1950s, only recently has consumer interest in purchasing organic foods increased. As more and more companies market products to these consumers, some have begun to wonder about the advantages of eating these foods. Deborah Rich argues, “One of the major benefits of organic foods is their increased nutrient content” (Rich 1). Rich cites multiple studies showing that organically grown foods contain higher levels of important nutrients than conventionally grown foods. The low nutritional content of conventionally grown foods that most Americans consume, Rich suggests, has resulted in grave consequences for the nation, including higher rates of chronic disease, nutrient deficiencies, and overeating. Organic production has been

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