
Women Want War Research Paper

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Wishful Women Want War!
'If not me, who? If not now, when?' These inspiring words spoken by Emma Watson at the U.N changed the whole world's perspective on women. However, the idea of women fighting in combat is still seen wrong or absurd by some people. Women deserve to fight in combat and should be allowed. Firstly, women should be considered to fight in combat, not based on their gender but on their capability. Secondly, although women are built differently, these differences could add to the diversity of the defence forces creating new possibilities and tactics. Thus, it is clear that women should be allowed to fight in combat.
How would you like it if you were downgraded and weren’t allowed to do things because of your gender? In the world …show more content…

Thousands of women are putting themselves forward to fight for their country but officers are not allowing them to embark on their fighting. ‘Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something.’ This quote truly shows us that we must do something to allow women fighting in combat. We cannot do everything but we can do something. However, if we do nothing, it will take about 75 years before women can expect to be paid the same as men for the same work, at current rates it won’t be until 2086 before rural African girls can have a secondary education and most importantly women will not get the chance to fight in combat. Not only is this biased but it does not allow women to show that they are capable to battle. There have been examples of famous women getting disrespected and downgraded because of their gender. Both Joan of Arc and Madam Curie were discriminated because of their gender. …show more content…

You just take it.’ These wise words spoken from Roseanne Barr, is exactly how women should be acting. Even though women are built differently, people still don’t allow them to do certain things. Yet, what individuals do not understand is that these variations could add to the diversity of the defence forces generating new possibilities and tactics. Research from McGill University and University of Georgia has shown that women are smarter than men according to I.Q tests, women learn better naturally and women have better immune systems because of their oestrogen. This is exactly what is needed for combat. Women are great examples as they can understand and fight of diseases on the battlefield. With their smarter skills, women can find out easier methods of combat and striking the enemy. With their better learning, women can easily learn how to fight and different ways the defence forces have never seen before. With their better immune systems, women can not only fight in combat but fight their sickness as well. This can be a great passage for the defence forces. Hence, resulting in new possibilities and tactics to the defence

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