
Women's Group Article Analysis

Decent Essays

D-The patient arrived on time to attend the Women's Group. This writer advised the patient that the group session was cancelled due to low attendance; however, the patient agreed to meet with this writer for a 1:1 to get credit for attendance, This writer informed the patient about what to expect pertaining to topics of what will be discussed and then asked the patient about her expectation of the group session. Furthermore, this writer addressed with the patient about last week session regarding to patient #2570 comment. When asked by this writer as to how often she sees patient #2570, the patient response was, " Well, I am not trying to get anyone in trouble, but she drinks occasionally.....probably would have one to drink during special …show more content…

This writer commends the patient for developing different alternative to address her opioid use. Nevertheless, the patient shared with this writer that after she left her counseling session with this writer, she felt good about it because now, she is able to open up and not feel judged by this writer. In addition, the patient expressed she is able to be herself and received positive feedback from this writer. This writer thanks the patient for her feedback. The patient then says, " You going to make difference here. I am always hearing good things about you.....No other counselor could ever make me go to group....No matter what......since I've been assigned to you, I always feel good....I can stay here for hours and just talk. You listen to me and give me feedback...I like that." Again, this writer thanks the patient for the feedback. Lastly, the patient discussed about her feelings addressing the loss of her sister as her sister has been gone for a year. This writer then discussed coping skills to address her loss. Also, the patient reports her parents are in Florida due to her sister daughter going to college to pursue her

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