On July 8,2015 worker visited Cordova NH, for the purpose of monitoring Ms. Wonda Marchbanks current situation. When worker arrived Ms. Marchbanks was sitting in a chair watching TV. She was appropriately dressed with good personal hygiene. Ms. Marchbanks has gained weight since last visit. During today's visit Ms. Marchbanks was not her normal upbeat self. She stated Talisa had only visited her twice since she moved to Cordova NH and she liked the other nursing home (Shadescrest) better. However, she is not interested in moving back to Shadescrest. Other complaint included not sleeping well on the bed provided by the NH. Worker asked if she would like a mattress pad but Ms. Marchbanks declined stating 'I won't help because she (roommate) will
CCIB received a Corrective Plan of Action (CAP) detailing the visit to the home on 10/18/17 by Service Coordinator, Sally Cano. Ms. Cano arrived at the home, but no one was there. Ms. Cano proceeded to check Delta Home 3 (located next door) and found 2 of Delta Home Care IV residents along with residents from Delta Home Care 3 at the home. As Ms. Cano was leaving, she observed a bus arrive at the Delta Home Care 2. The bus driver reported that there was no staff at the home and that the residents were waiting outside. It was observed the Delta Home Care 2, 3, and IV to be lacking staff. On 10/19/17, RP and Quality Assurance specialist (QAS) Jesus Ozeda went to the facility to observe the staff to resident ratios and to collect the staff schedules
The reporting party (RP) stated that 92 year old resident Delora Lovelock DOB: 1/15/24 was residing in the facility from 5/15/2015 to 6/4/2015. Prior to admission the facility was informed that the resident had a broken femur and could not bear weight. The resident required two caregivers to transfer. Initially the facility assessed the resident and accepted her into the facility. Subsequently the resident was not provided the care necessary. The resident was transferred by one caregiver that resulted in the resident's trip to the emergency room where she was diagnosed with contusions to her ribs. The RP stated that prior to admission that the caregivers were trained in transferring resident however the caregiver had no idea how to transfer a resident from bed to
CCIB LPA received a call from Theodore and his girlfriend, Linda Lubert. Theodore and Linda were in a skilled nursing (rehab) facility until May 9th, 2015. They were given 24 hours to move and ended up at this facility. When they arrived, they were not appraised, given any care plan or schedule. Both need assistance getting up, dressed and with hygiene, they have to beg for staff to help them. The doors to their rooms are locked at night and they are not allowed out of them. This happens during the day sometimes as well. Since he has arrived he has had to wait five days for assistance with showering, staff say they do not have time or the towels are in the dirty laundry. Both Theodore and Linda have noted that their medications are not being
Apparently, the place was in state that the nurse was not able to sit down in his home. There was all kinds of debris on the floors, counters etc. He had a lot of dirty clothes piled up and it was quite unsanitary. The nurse left very emotional due to the state of his trailer/RV. The good news is that Mr. Adams will continue with the DIP program so we can help him that way. In the meantime though, I wanted to see if you were aware of his situation and if there might be anything additional that we could do to help Mr. Adams?
On this date worker interview, Mr. Ronald Darty, son of Ms. Linda Darty for the purpose of conducting a PARN interview. When worker arrived Ms. Darty was in a hospital, bed located in the living room and did not respond to worker. However, worker and Mr. Darty exited the room and the interview was conducted in a bedroom located in the back of the trailer. Mr. Darty stated he is 42 years old 4/29/75 and has lived with his mother for 42 years. He promised her when she got sick he would never put her in a nursing home. However, recently he isn’t able to provide the level of care she requires. Mr. Darty stated she has a bedsore on her back and when he changes her or rotates her, she screams out in pain. Mr. Darty stated he sleeps in the living
The reporting party (RP) stated on 11/16/16 at approximately 9:30AM a visit was made to the facility to visit resident Noel Cua DOB: 3/5/52. According to the RP Mr. Cua is the brother of owner/administrator Arcely Pua. During the visit Mr. Cua was observed wearing oven mitts on his hands and tied to the side rails of his bed. The RP stated the administrator disclosed the resident would pull out his feeding tube. Subsequently the resident has a feeding tube and a Foley catheter. The RP stated the administrator indicated she was a Registered Nurse. The RP was informed the facility is non-medical therefore feeding tubes are prohibited. The RP stated the resident requires a higher level of care and should be placed in a skilled nursing
Service Coordinator (SC), Jennifer Stoker met face to face with provider, Aiesha Crayton and consumer Jonathan at his group home. Jonathan informed SC he has change his mind he don’t want his own apartment. SC asked why he changed his mind. Jonathan noted Aiesha told him that she couldn’t pay a staff member to live in his apartment with him. He noted Aiesha could be his provided but it will not be 24 hour care for him at his apartment. Aiesha noted she also talk with him about the amount of money he would have to pay for the apartment. Aiesha noted the apartment he want was 700 dollars. Jonathan noted he check would cover the rent but he would have money to pay his other bills. Jonathan noted he really was not going to move out. He was
Client continues to report she wants to be transferred to another shelter, because she mistrusts staff and residents, there is no structure in the room and residents and staff are very inconsiderate towards her. She also states that worker are hacking her email account and also stealing things from her locker.
Reporting party (RP) states that her mother is a 95 year old resident (identifying information not provided) who has purchased a life-time contract over 15 years ago. The resident is currently residing in the newly added memory unit known as Maggie's Place. RP is the residents POA and stated that for the last year (especially the last 4 months) the facility has ignored her requests to be notified of medical appointments, medical information such as resident's medications and any changes to her health condition. RP often receives calls at odd times informing her of unexplained bruising or falls that occurred days prior with no explanation; she was assured that the nurse would contact her but she is never contacted. Over the past 2 months,
CCIB received an Emergency Response Referral (0894-5505-1608-6072737) stating her mother Charleen has had several UTI’s due to a visiting nurse is only at the facility one a month to do urine test if necessary. RP went on to say that the facility would always puthe water bottles across the room which Charleen couldn’t get to due to she was bedridden. Also the RP mentioned 9/17/2017 that resident Maria (94) who is somewhat ambulatory was begging for water. RP reported that Charleen’s legs are severely bruised and she keeps getting open cuts on her legs. LPA Abram contacted the RP on 2/28/2018 and she stated that the bruising was explained by the facility that her mom was banging her legs on the bed rails. In addition, the per call stated that
RP stated that his mother has resided at this facility since 2015. RP stated that since the facility has changed ownership (end of 2016-beginning of 2017), the services are not being provided to the residents. RP also stated that there has been a shortage of staff which has affected the care of the residents. RP stated that he visited his mother on 4/24/16 and noticed that her teeth were not brushed. RP also stated that the facility has hired an outside agency to provide the care giving for the residents. RP stated that the employees of this agency are unaware of the resident care plan. It was reported to the RP by his mother's roommate's daughter, Mindy Kaplin, that on one occasion, she found his mother in the closet scared and crying. Mindy
Ms. Dellamae Taylor (number # 8909436) and (Care # 435023) arrived to the Manor on 7/10/2015 with her children (Female 9), (Male 3), (Male 7) and (Male5). The client was complaining because there no light in the unit, the mattresses are all ripped and her bed's rails are loose. Ms. Dellamae Taylor also stated that her unit was dirty when she arrived to Manor. On 7/14/2015 client came with her Preventive worker to advocate on her behalf, Ms. Yasmin Scott preventive worker asked when the client will receive her new mattresses. Client also stated that she will go back to the path if the manor staff doesn't make the repairs. Client also stated that she would sue another shelter because her apartment is not suitable for her and her children stay
I called acquiring about assisted living for my grandmother the late Martha Pickens. Martha Pickens is 72, she has lived independently for sense her husband passed away over 15 years ago. I've notice that she needs help with remembering to take her medication and keeping up with house cleaning. I work a new position and live an hour away from her and want her closer to me and need assistance with caring for her ongoing with my new position I have to be much more depending. I'm now a training assistance for new hires. Martha does not have any illness, but she does take blood pressure and diabetic
The resident has a great social structure and encouragement as the resident is visited by friends and family on a daily bases and is loved by all who meets him. The resident has a room with a bed and television as to help him feel more at home the family is ask to provide the resident with favorite pillows, pictures and other items to make the room be a better environment. The resident is very restless and unsettled no matter the effort put in by those that are around the resident. He is angry at himself and the world but can’t express this feeling the resident is lashing out at all the staff and even the family that is so lovingly caring for him.
NF wasn't feeling and communicated that he had a stressful day. NF wasn't able to obtain Isabella's social security card because he didn't have a credible form of identification. NF mentioned that he went to the Mexican Consulate to obtain his passport. NF will be taking a day off next week again to apply for services (WIC and Welfare). NF doesn't know Isabella's social security number and doesn't have Isabella's social security card. SM provided NF with the furniture referral form for Isabella's bed. Isabella was being a little defiant during the visit. Isabella was very demanding of NF's attention. Isabella was interrupting NF when he was speaking and would refuse to use the bathroom on her own. Isabella was refusing to eat the Jell-O she