
Would You Sacrifice Life To Call The Fire Department?

Decent Essays

Would you sacrifice your life to call the fire department? If the school caught on fire would you want to run back in the classroom to call the fire station or pull out a phone from your pocket. Students should be allowed to have a phone in their pocket or in their backpack in case of an emergency. Many students forget the phone numbers in their contacts. Sometimes phone numbers are long and hard to remember. What if a school phone didn’t work and the class was in a lockdown. Phones could be used for music when doing P.E. It could also be used for an calculator in math if it’s allowed. If you're a forgetful person you could take a picture so you can study it later on. Like when you have math homework or history.If you have an …show more content…

Like using safari or google to type a essay. You could download Google docs and do your assignments.If you're a good texter It would be easier. Whenever you have time at school. In the article they think phones should be banned and disconnect the students from the school wi-fi.When teachers computers are slow. Instead they could change the wifi password and make it harder instead of something easy.It would take a longer time if the password was different.They could change the wifi name so it would be harder to find. If the wifi’s name was changed to one of the staff members first name and the kids didn’t know the staff member’s name then they wouldn’t be able to sign into it. I think the articles reason is flawed because they think students drain the wifi it is true but, they could change many things on the wifi. They could also turn off the the classroom wifi when they're not using it.If the wifi’s name was changed to the principal's first name then not too many students would be on.Then not too many teachers would have their computers buffering.They would be able to do many things. In source #1 it says that students devour the

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