Precalculus with Limits: A Graphing Approach - 7th Edition - by Ron Larson - ISBN 9781305071711

Precalculus with Limits: A Graphing App...
7th Edition
Ron Larson
Publisher: Brooks/Cole
ISBN: 9781305071711

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Chapter 2.2 - Polynomial Functions Of Higher DegreeChapter 2.3 - Real Zeros Of Polynomial FunctionsChapter 2.4 - Complex NumbersChapter 2.5 - The Fundamental Theorem Of AlgebraChapter 2.6 - Rational Functions And AsymptotesChapter 2.7 - Graphs Of Rational FunctionsChapter 2.8 - Quadratic ModelsChapter 3 - Exponential And Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 3.1 - Exponential Functions And Their GraphsChapter 3.2 - Logarithmic Functions And Their GraphsChapter 3.3 - Properties Of LogarithmsChapter 3.4 - Solving Exponential And Logarithmic EquationsChapter 3.5 - Exponential And Logarithmic ModelsChapter 3.6 - Nonlinear ModelsChapter 4 - Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 4.1 - Radian And Degree MeasureChapter 4.2 - Trigonometric Functions: The Unit CircleChapter 4.3 - Right Triangle TrigonometryChapter 4.4 - Trigonometric Functions Of Any AngleChapter 4.5 - Graphs Of Sine And Cosine FunctionsChapter 4.6 - Graphs Of Other Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 4.7 - Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 4.8 - Applications And ModelsChapter 5 - Analytic TrigonometryChapter 5.1 - Using Fundamental IdentitiesChapter 5.2 - Verifying Trigonometric IdentitiesChapter 5.3 - Solving Trigonometric EquationsChapter 5.4 - Sum And Difference FormulasChapter 5.5 - Multiple-angle And Product-to-sum FormulasChapter 6 - Additional Topics In TrigonometryChapter 6.1 - Law Of SinesChapter 6.2 - Law Of CosinesChapter 6.3 - Vectors In The PlaneChapter 6.4 - Vectors And Dot ProductsChapter 6.5 - Trigonometric Form Of A Complex NumberChapter 7 - Linear Systems And MatricesChapter 7.1 - Solving Systems Of EquationsChapter 7.2 - Systems Of Linear Equations In Two VariablesChapter 7.3 - Multivariable Linear SystemsChapter 7.4 - Matrices And Systems Of EquationsChapter 7.5 - Operations With MatricesChapter 7.6 - The Inverse Of A Square MatrixChapter 7.7 - The Determinant Of A Square MatrixChapter 7.8 - Applications Of Matrices And DeterminantsChapter 8 - Sequences, Series, And ProbabilityChapter 8.1 - Sequences And SeriesChapter 8.2 - Arithmetic Sequences And Partial SumsChapter 8.3 - Geometric Sequences And SeriesChapter 8.4 - The Binomial TheoremChapter 8.5 - Counting PrinciplesChapter 8.6 - ProbabilityChapter 9 - Topics In Analytic GeomyetryChapter 9.1 - Circles And ParabolaChapter 9.2 - EllipsesChapter 9.3 - Hyperbolas And Rotation Of ConicsChapter 9.4 - Parametric EquationsChapter 9.5 - Polar CoordinatesChapter 9.6 - Graphs Of Polar EquationsChapter 9.7 - Polar Equations Of ConicsChapter 10 - Analytic Geometry In Three DimensionsChapter 10.1 - The Three-dimensional Coordinate SystemChapter 10.2 - Vectors In SpaceChapter 10.3 - The Cross Product Of Two VectorsChapter 10.4 - Lines And Planes In SpaceChapter 11 - Limits And An Introduction To CalculusChapter 11.1 - Introduction To LimitsChapter 11.2 - Techniques For Evaluating LimitsChapter 11.3 - The Tangent Line ProblemChapter 11.4 - Limits At Infinity And Limits Of SequencesChapter 11.5 - The Area ProblemChapter B.1 - Representing Data GraphicallyChapter B.2 - Measures Of Central Tendency And DispersionChapter B.3 - Least Squares Regression

Book Details

Precalculus with Limits: A Graphing Approach, 7th Edition, is an ideal program for high school calculus courses that require the use of a graphing calculator. The quality and quantity of the exercises, combined with interesting applications and innovative resources, make teaching easier and help students succeed. The book achieves accessibility through careful writing and design--including examples with detailed solutions that begin and end on the same page, which maximizes readability. Similarly, side-by-side solutions show algebraic, graphical, and numerical representations of the mathematics and support a variety of learning styles. A new chapter on probability and statistics helps reinforce high school curriculums.

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Precalculus: A Graphing Approach
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