EBK BEGINNING AND INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA - 6th Edition - by McGinnis - ISBN 8220101459497

6th Edition
Publisher: YUZU
ISBN: 8220101459497


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Chapter 2 - Linear Equations And Inequalities In One VariableChapter 2.1 - The Addition Property Of EqualityChapter 2.2 - The Multiplication Property Of EqualityChapter 2.3 - More On Solving Linear EquationsChapter 2.4 - Applications Of Linear EquationsChapter 2.5 - Formulas And Additional Applications From GeometryChapter 2.6 - Ratio, Proportion, And PercentChapter 2.7 - Further Applications Of Linear EquationsChapter 2.8 - Solving Linear InequalitiesChapter 3 - Linear Equations In Two VariablesChapter 3.1 - Linear Equations And Rectangular CoordinatesChapter 3.2 - Graphing Linear Equations In Two VariablesChapter 3.3 - The Slope Of A LineChapter 3.4 - Slope-intercept Form Of A Linear EquationChapter 3.5 - Point-slope Form Of A Linear Equation And ModelingChapter 4 - Exponents And PolynomialsChapter 4.1 - The Product Rule And Power Rules For ExponentsChapter 4.2 - Integer Exponents And The Quotient RuleChapter 4.3 - Scientific NotationChapter 4.4 - Adding, Subtracting, And Graphing PolynomialsChapter 4.5 - Multiplying PolynomialsChapter 4.6 - Special ProductsChapter 4.7 - Dividing PolynomialsChapter 5 - Factoring And ApplicationsChapter 5.1 - The Greatest Common Factor; Factoring By GroupingChapter 5.2 - Factoring TrinomialsChapter 5.3 - More On Factoring TrinomialsChapter 5.4 - Special Factoring TechniquesChapter 5.5 - Solving Quadratic Equations Using The Zero-factor PropertyChapter 5.6 - Applications Of Quadratic EquationsChapter 6 - Rational Expressions And ApplicationsChapter 6.1 - The Fundamental Property Of Rational ExpressionsChapter 6.2 - Multiplying And Dividing Rational ExpressionsChapter 6.3 - Least Common DenominatorsChapter 6.4 - Adding And Subtracting Rational ExpressionsChapter 6.5 - Complex FractionsChapter 6.6 - Solving Equations With Rational ExpressionsChapter 6.7 - Applications Of Rational ExpressionsChapter 7 - Graphs, Linear Equations, And SystemsChapter 7.1 - Review Of Graphs And Slopes Of LinesChapter 7.2 - Review Of Equations Of Lines; Linear ModelsChapter 7.3 - Solving Systems Of Linear Equations By GraphingChapter 7.4 - Solving Systems Of Linear Equations By SubstitutionChapter 7.5 - Solving Systems Of Linear Equations By EliminationChapter 7.6 - Systems Of Linear Equations In Three VariablesChapter 7.7 - Applications Of Systems Of Linear EquationsChapter 8 - Inequalities And Absolute ValueChapter 8.1 - Review Of Linear Inequalities In One VariableChapter 8.2 - Set Operations And Compound InequalitiesChapter 8.3 - Absolute Value Equations And InequalitiesChapter 8.4 - Linear Inequalities And Systems In Two VariablesChapter 9 - Relations And FunctionsChapter 9.1 - Introduction To Relations And FunctionsChapter 9.2 - Function Notation And Linear FunctionsChapter 9.3 - Polynomial Functions, Operations, And CompositionChapter 9.4 - VariationChapter 10 - Roots, Radicals, And Root FunctionsChapter 10.1 - Radical Expressions And GraphsChapter 10.2 - Rational ExponentsChapter 10.3 - Simplifying Radicals, The Distance Formula, And CirclesChapter 10.4 - Adding And Subtracting Radical ExpressionsChapter 10.5 - Multiplying And Dividing Radical ExpressionsChapter 10.6 - Solving Equations With RadicalsChapter 10.7 - Complex NumbersChapter 11 - Quadratic Equations, Inequalities, And FunctionsChapter 11.1 - Solving Quadratic Equations By The Square Root PropertyChapter 11.2 - Solving Quadratic Equations By Completing The SquareChapter 11.3 - Solving Quadratic Equations By The Quadratic FormulaChapter 11.4 - Solving Equations Quadratic In FormChapter 11.5 - Formulas And Further ApplicationsChapter 11.6 - Graphs Of Quadratic FunctionsChapter 11.7 - More About Parabolas And Their ApplicationsChapter 11.8 - Polynomial And Rational InequalitiesChapter 12 - Inverse, Exponential, And Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 12.1 - Inverse FunctionsChapter 12.2 - Exponential FunctionsChapter 12.3 - Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 12.4 - Properties Of LogarithmsChapter 12.5 - Common And Natural LogarithmsChapter 12.6 - Exponential And Logarithmic Equations; Further ApplicationsChapter A - Review Of Exponents, Polynomials, And Factoring (transition From Beginning To Intermediate Algebra)Chapter B - Appendix B Synthetic Division

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NOTE: This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version. Books a la Carte also offer a great value; this format costs significantly less than a new textbook. Before purchasing, check wit

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