Dorothy Allison Essay

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    Dorothy Allison’s essay, Panacea, recalls the fond childhood memories about her favorite dish, gravy. Allison uses vivid imagery to cook up a warm feeling about family meals to those who may be a poor family or a young mother. Appeal to the senses shows this warm feeling, along with a peaceful diction. Before she begins the essay with the imagery, Allison adopts a persona of a mother who is formerly poor as a child, and now middle class with a large family. This is when she describes her past in

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  • Decent Essays

    cultural and educational factors. "River of Names" is a short story in Identity Matters written by Dorothy Allison about a low class family and how these factors illustrate her agonizing childhood through a nameless character born into a southern family. The character that is also the narrator is a working class lesbian addicted to violence looking to escape from her family's class background. Allison speaks through this character with clenching teeth and unflinching honesty about a world that represents

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    actually remained the same. In Dorothy Allison’s book, Stubborn Girls and Mean Stories, she writes, “The central fact of my life is that I was born in 1949 in Greenville, South Carolina, the bastard daughter of a white woman from a desperately poor family.”(2812). Although she is shamed by being referred to as white trash according to her class’s social order “she accepts the word trash and uses it to raise the issue of who the term glorifies as well as who it disdains.” (Allison 2816). According to Susie

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  • Good Essays

    what art means must be applied to the idea of what art is. In Dorothy Allison’s This is Our World, the author touches on points of what art is and what it means to its viewers. These points and supporting stories point to the idea that art is subjective, personal, and provocative. This allows Allison to draw her conclusion that arts purpose is to depict the deeper meaning into situations and incidents that occur in our world. In Dorothy Allison’s journal, one can see how the author effectively conveys

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  • Decent Essays

    What is the most important detail to a story? This question is what drives us to create good writing. It is every writer’s version of “what is The Matrix?” with each writer searching for the answer. According to Dorothy Allison, the most important thing in a story is place. This doesn’t just mean location. Place is everything; feelings of character, writer, and reader, details about everything, etc. In short, place is the story itself. Having been a theater kid in high school, I fully know how important

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    Today's society have reached back into the past and have put people back into categories all by using a few choice words like, they,them,and those. An acclaimed writer, Dorothy Allison experienced all to well the oppression. Dorothy Allison a feminist, storyteller and someone whom you would think would be considered real people. She became apart of the, they, them and those. Often time we wonder how can people put other in categorize d state just because someone doesn't do something the way you

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  • Good Essays

    One of the most complex and elaborate characters in Bastard Out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison is Bone. Throughout the story Bone has to live a life where she thinks that she is the leading mystery of the trouble being caused. She has numerous unhappy situations and is in no way self-satisfied with herself. She doesn 't appreciate who she is physically. She constantly thinks she is the most homely and dull person who causes the most inconvenience in the family. This sense of selflessness is mainly

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  • Good Essays

    novel, Bastard Out of Carolina, by Dorothy Allison, the feeling of shame and the identification as “trash” are noted within Bone’s family. Critics J. Brooks Bouson and Natalie Carter argue that these feelings were created by Bone’s mother, Anney, and passed down to Bone. Both would argue that the feelings of shame surrounding the term “bastard” that is felt by Bone and Anney was created due to a stereotype that the family must face. Both critics believe that Allison was like many other Americans, who

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  • Decent Essays

    “We were not beautiful. We were hard and ugly and trying to be proud of it” (Allison, 37). Greenville, South Carolina where a story within a story is developed by Dorothy Allison, an ugly peasant lesbian. The life she was given, chose her; she didn’t choose it. But because of this the practice of storytelling, it became a necessity to survival. Storytelling is a way of therapy for Dorothy’s family and it’s the only way they gain information about their relatives. Women stood no chance toward men

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  • Decent Essays

    The book, Bastard Out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison, is about relationships between family members, the social class, “white trash”, and abuse. In the book, there is a young girl by the name of Ruth Anne Boatwright, but goes by the name of Bone. Bone’s mother had her at the young age of 17 years old. Her whole life, Bone, didn’t have a steady father figure. Anney Boatwright, Bone’s mother, married a man and out of that relationship, her sister was born. Soon after Anney married him, he died

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