For-profit school

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    It is no secret for-profit schools are around to make money. Whether they should be able to charge a higher amount for tuition or not is the question. Often times people over look for-profit schools because people think it is absurd to charge a ridiculous amount of money for an education. What people are not considering when they make the unconscious decision to rule out for profit schools is how well these schools actually run. Although it may look like for-profit schools are only around to make

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    states as well. The possibility of the shutdown of ITT tech shows the central government somewhat in charge. The school is currently under investigation, to prove if they school has been using the financial aid money given to them from the government for the right reasons. ITT tech is a for-profit school which means they make a profit out of any money that comes to the school. For-profit colleges are usually governed by private organizations and corporations. Which is why it has been going on for several

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    Reggie is a not-for-profit school located in a suburb just outside Chicago called Evanston. Evanston is the home community for Northwestern University. So much of the town is considered college town however the remainder of the town is diverse in cultures and socio-economics. As you walked down the streets of Evanston many different colors of people walk along with you. Evanston shares a strong interest in the Arts. You may find small art galleries with local artist’s work being displayed for

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  • Decent Essays

    For-profit schools should they be banned around the world? In "U. S Halts New Rules Aimed at abuses For-Profit colleges'‘ by Stacey Cowley and Patricia Cohen, This article is talking about how students, all around the worlds and getting financially put in dept. by for-profit schools and how they going back and forth trying to shut down the schools. Reading up on social media, they call for-profit predators for feeding them with promises that are never kept screwing them in the long run. hearing

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    Frontline Film Analysis

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    Should higher education and business be combined for profit? In this film, the correspondent for Frontline, Martin Smith, investigates several colleges and their business leaders to discover what is making the higher education industry so profitable. Smith’s interest starts with how these for-profit educational institutions begin, but then he furthers his investigation to see these schools’ methods of recruitment as well as what degree programs are offered. Throughout the film, the students who are

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  • Decent Essays

    believe, that for profit universities and colleges pose a significant threat to American higher education, and that they should be banned, I also agree with this outlook on for-profit universities. According to Sheffield’s article, “For-profit schools enable low-income and racial minority students, including many who are non-traditional, to gain practical, skills-based training that better equips them for the marketplace relative to many traditional academic paths.” For-profit colleges and universities

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  • Better Essays

    Excluding For-Profit Proprietary Colleges from Receiving Federal Student Financial Aid Introduction Every year, higher education institutions (HEI’s) receive billions of dollars from the Department of Education in the form of loans, grants and subsidies. These funds are authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act, and are the primary source of Federal student aid for all HEI’s in the United States. The main Title IV programs include Loans, Grants and Federal Work Study (U.S. Government

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  • Decent Essays

    relationship that we have had with for-profit schools. It has been very easy for us to place the blame on the for-profit sector as causing the student debt crisis, but in this concept paper I wanted to discuss where traditional education might be at fault politically. In other words, how were we responsible for helping to create the debt monster through behavior and policy? Students enroll in college to learn. This acquiring of knowledge is so important that most schools like Marshall University have instituted

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    educate themselves and prepare themselves for the job market. The U.S. has an outstanding reputation of educating students as well as making education available to everyone in the country. Whether it be a public university, private university or a for-profit institution, people can easily find a way to pursue their academic goals. However, many students graduate college with the inability to find a job because they weren 't properly trained and with massive debt due to the extremely high price of tuition

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    For-Profit College Essay

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    The for-profit college and university (FPCU) is an institutional type that “’do[es]’ education or schooling but also ‘behave[s]’ like a business, while preparing students for occupational roles (Hentschke, Lechuga & Tierney, 2010, p. 2). This paper will discuss history; cite changes in curriculum, degree offerings, and institution classification; and explore current issues of financial viability, accreditation, and fraudulent practices of the for-profit college. History For-profit colleges and universities

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