Henry H. Arnold

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    Synthesis Essay – Henry H. Arnold MSgt Kyle L. Truelsen Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy April 3, 2015 Instructor: MSgt Blaine Holland Henry H. Arnold Hap Arnold once stated, “Small minds want to defend everything. Intelligent men concentrate on the main issue, parry the heavy blows and tolerate small evils to avoid a greater one. He who wants to defend everything saves nothing” (Yenne, 2013). Henry Arnold’s father was a huge dominating figure who didn’t let his children

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    It can be argued that General Henry “Hap” Arnold is the father of the United States Air Force. His experiences, wisdom, and foresight are what made him, in every way, a visionary leader. Due to his efforts developing air mindedness during the first part of the 20th century, he shaped what is today the greatest Air Force on the planet. I will begin by explaining his effective use of transformational leadership and the impact it has on the development of airpower. Then I will explain how his acceptance

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    The Way and Life of General Carl A. Spaatz      The name General Carl ‘Tooey’ Andrew Spaatz has become synonymous with the phrase air power and strategist. Air power has come along way since Wilbur and Orville launched the first airplane in 1902 in the city of Kitty Hawk. Famous engineers have taken the Wright-Brothers design and made great improvements to them while slowly integrating these new powerful means of transportation, weaponry and communication aids into the military

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    A leadership philosophy is something that is in constant development. According to Dr. Sosic, an individual’s leadership philosophy evolves as new life events influence and change the individual’s view of the world. If a person sees or experiences something in practice, he believes to be in-line with his own values; he should adapt it to his own personal leadership philosophy. Major Jonathan Sawtelle, in his book Resilient Effective Adaptable Leadership talks about how a “shared purpose must be

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    judge claims that due to his “low intelligence,” Sam will not be able to take care of Lucy as well as someone with a higher mental age. Although this is the court’s assumption, does this make Sam any less capable of raising Lucy? Mindsets such as Henry Goddard, author of the Kallikak Family Study and translator of Binet’s original IQ test, mimic the thought process similar to the court system in the film. Goddard states that the, “fixed character of mental levels” was the reason why some people were

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    Characteristics of Offenders One of many studies that gave way to the argument that criminal behaviors can be passed down throughout generations was performed by Henry Herbert Goddard’s (The Kallikak Family: A Study in the Heredity of Feeble-Mindedness) a psychologist who study the mental retardation (Forman, J., 1985). Goddard study 1912 reportedly "proved" that intelligence was hereditary of Feeble-Mindedness. He believed that if ones lack of ability to make sound decisions for oneself; having

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    imagination of the effect that Air Power could provide the fighting forces was profound. Knowing that his vision could not be effective without help, he set his sights on influencing the most important people…the American taxpayers. In the 1920s, Arnold recognized the need for the public’s embracement of the capabilities of Air Power. He organized campaigns that provided an Air Patrol along the Mexican border and provide observations capabilities for forest fires, both of which showcased the effective

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    hopping, which means jumping from one island to another (skipping over some) until they got to Japan. After the use of Kamakazi plane attacks on Iwo Jima, it became apparent that Japan would fight until the very end. The secretary of war at the time, Henry L. Stimson, said in one of his memoirs, "I was informed that such operations (the invasion of Japan's home islands) might be expected to cost over a million casualties, to American forces alone" (document A). He obviously is not proud of this decision

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    Dropping the Atomic Bomb: Extent of Justification After Roosevelts death, Harry Truman became the 33rd president of the United States, where his Presidency is famous for his war-ending actions against Japan. (Whitehouse, Harry). Truman was put in the position to choose if an atomic bomb should be dropped upon Japan to trigger quick surrender from the Japanese. To this day, people question if dropping the atomic bombs was necessary, and if so, to what extent? (nsarchive, The End of World War II)

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    been faced with making decisions that have the likely possibility to affect the world? What about dealing with decisions that put your values and beliefs in question? What if I told you General Arnold faced many of these decisions during his career. Any routine conversation involving General Henry H. “Hap” Arnold usually leans toward events like his famous “Wing Dings”. He was a visionary and ethical leader that transformed the U.S Army Air Force and birthed what is the modern day U.S. Air Force. He

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