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    Independent Reading Reflections #1- Quote: “He had no idea what he was. Half of something, a quarter of something else, brown skin and black hair like his dead mother, but with weird blue eyes like his father.” Response: This is important to the development of the story because it gives us descriptions as to what he looks like, so we can better visualize the character as the plot progresses. It also describes a little bit of what his father looks like and what his dead mother used to look

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    John B. Watson

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    John Broadus Watson was a famous American psychologist who lived between 1878 and 1958. He was born in Greenville, South Carolina to Pickens and Emma Watson and was the fourth of six children. The family was not well off financially and John did not have an easy childhood. In spite of the poverty that engulfed the family, John’s father turned into an alcoholic who cared less for his family. However, Emma, John’s mother was a devoted religious woman who struggled to take care of her children with

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    The Little Albert experiment has become a widely known case study that is continuously discussed by a large number of psychology professionals. In 1920, behaviorist John Watson and his assistant Rosalie Rayner began to conduct one of the first experiments done with a child. Stability played a major factor in choosing Albert for this case study, as Watson wanted to ensure that they would do as little harm as possible during the experiment. Watson’s method of choice for this experiment was to use principles

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    Section #2 NetID: meberry John Watson and Classical Conditioning In psychology, respondent behavior is behavior learned through classical conditioning. This type of learning is defined as a way in which one learns to link two or more stimuli while also anticipating events; or other wise, known as a kind of learning that occurs when a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus. While classical conditioning was accidently discovered by Ivan Pavlov, John B. Watson was interested in

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    Past Edward L. Thorndike is known as a very instrumental scientist within the field of psychology as he contributed well over 500 articles throughout his career. Thorndike earned a Bachelors degree from Wesleyan University in 1895, where he then decided to go to Harvard University with the intention to study literature. He then studied William James’s version of The Principles of Psychology, which he found interesting and enough reason switch his focus to psychology (Daniel, 2000). William James

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    Behaviorism or Black Box Psychology Essay

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    about next known as the father of behaviorism John B. Watson (WGBH, 1998). John B. Watson a behaviorist lived from (1878-1958). Watson grew up in a broken family where is father cheated and eventually left his mother (John B. Watson). Watson modeled his behavior by cheating on his first wife and eventually marrying on of his students (John B. Watson). Watson turned his life back around with the help of one of his teachers named Gordon Moore (John B. Watson). He became interested in the field of

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    William James William James is the founder of the functionalism movement who obtained inspiration from the theory of evolution, particularly highlighting natural selection (Green, 2009). The theorist maintained that the development of consciousness within organisms was a produce of evolutionary advancements. Sentient beings are able to survive and thrive due to their ability to process their environment, recognize threats and formulate methods to thwart harmful outcomes. Furthermore, according

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    Ivan Pavlov and His Contributions in Psychology Han Seth Lu University of Central Oklahoma Introduction Ivan Pavlov is a Russian physiologist. He is well-known for his behaviorism and psychosocial experiments in the psychology society. In 1883, he earned his Doctorate Degree in Medicine at the Academy of Medical Surgery, University of St. Petersburg (Palmes, 2000). “After performing further studies in Germany, he was appointed to the University of Petersburg, which he

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    Classical Conditioning is the repeated use of stimuli in combination with a repeated significant psychological event to train the one being conditioned to anticipate the event in response to the stimuli. The most basic example of this type of conditioning is train an animal to expect treats by making use of their sense of sound and blowing a whistle or ringing a bell just before you give them a treat each time. This will train the animal to associate the sound of the whistle or bell with the reception

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    Classical conditioning is when a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a meaningful stimulus and acquires the capacity to elicit a similar response (King, 170). In theory classical conditioning is when two items are paired together. This was determined by Ivan Pavlov, who was a Russian physiologist. He is famous for accidental find out the connection between behavior and stimulus. Pavlov originally wanted to find out how the body digests food, instead he found out that dogs salivated to the sound

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